School security increased after photo of student standing on flag goes viral – TomoNews


JOHNSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA — A photo that shows the American flag being defiled by students in a Pennsylvania high school classroom has caused an uproar online and prompted school officials to increase campus security, WPXI reported.

Local police are investigating the incident, which appears to have taken place in a classroom at Richland High School, near Pittsburgh.

It shows a student standing on the American flag, while a girl stands next to him flipping the bird and sticking out her tongue.

The two students in the picture have not been identified, but netizens have reacted to the photo, which has gone viral.

Many commenters who railed against the students seem to not support the freedom of speech being exercised in the image.

Defiling Old Glory is not actually a crime in itself, and attempts to criminalize flag burning or defacement have failed.

However, destroying someone else’s property is illegal, so if the school feels like the students vandalized the flag, they could face charges.

According to a statement from the Pennsylvania chapter of the ACLU given to the New York Daily News, the mother of the boy in the picture said he has apologized and regrets his actions.


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  1. WWEFan4Days says

    I’d love it for that guy to do that in front of me. He’d get knocked out.

  2. D RELL says


  3. Kampret Lo says

    That was Better. In Indonesia 8 America Flag Burned down.

  4. Mick Berry says

    I wish I was in that school right at that time I would have taken this little fuckers shoes and shoved them right up his bitch ass until he tasted his laces.

  5. Zane Ford says

    This is my school…

  6. jazmine says

    Sad to see this everywhere, because I attend school here… I actually take class in that classroom everyday… 😞😕

  7. Paige_marie0403 says

    Ok listen here and listen good. I go to Richland high school yes I think it's very disrespectful to stand on the flag u know what those kids are apart of a special group like the kind that people need help almost like a restarted kid. So back the fuck off. And If you start Hating on me I will find u and pop a cap in you ass. Get it got it good now have a nice day

  8. Carroll Fox says

    When did it become socially acceptable for people to step on the flag. have not actually seen it with my own eyes, if I had I would probably be in jail. but then I wonder if I could say it was my right to beat the crap out of a couple of punk liberals. evidence would be hard to find, I would put them on a plan and send them back to mexico on a one way ticket. ( no I would not send them to Africa,) they have enough trouble.

  9. Law Abiding Cat says

    In Britain you'd be called a pleb. Why are Americans so sensitive about a flag? Your country and people should be the things showing what your country has achieved.

  10. Kayleigh Horner says

    this is horrible i go to this school and i used to look up to these two before they did this

  11. Nigg Jones says

    The border is wide open anyway you fucking retards.400,000 anchor babies are born in America each year.

  12. Taylor meredith says

    Send them two back from were they came from

  13. Tap02 says

    The idiot is wearing sneakers made with slave labor smh.

  14. Shameka Jackson says

    Obama's dreamers.

  15. Guarionex Batista says

    I think those kids need a Bit Of…………………….FREEDOM ohh wait I can't do that I'm not American

  16. 2M Views says

    its probable Muslims.

  17. Boristos Jaxon says

    It's just a flag

  18. Discordedluna says

    How come most Americans flags are stumped by African-American teens
    Just realizing it

  19. Smile :) says

    murica teŕrorist

  20. John V says

    He is too big of a pussy to do a public apologie?

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