U.S. Navy Photo School 1973 Pensacola Florida
US Navy Photo School 1973
Training film taken at the Naval School of Photography by Jeff Padell. This is the only surviving film I shot at the Navy Photo School. It was just people going about their everyday training. The second part is just some shots of inanimate objects, cars and trucks.
I remember making those pointless movies 🙂 I went thru A-School Nov-73, March-74. I loved that KRM-70 camera.
WoW Those were some great times. Thanks for the reminder Jeff.
I was there in 1970, geat memories.
Jeff, thank you up-loading. I went in 82, great footage! I've been trying for years to get pics of the school at that time. It's even harder to find people I went to school with. Sail on Brother!
Thanks for posting. Brings back great memories. I was there a year earlier; graduated June '72 from "A" school.