Fans Control Sofie Dossi Underwater Photo Challenge **EPIC**


I think we can all agree on two things: Sofie is a legend and I look dope in a wetsuit πŸ™‚ If you love this video, give us a thumbs up. If we get 50K of them, we’ll do part 2!

See another underwater shoot with EPIC photos on Sofie’s channel:

Purchase my recommended photo equipment:

Buy my new book, Born To Dance (warning: it doesn’t last long underwater):

Thanks to Kamri Noel for the underwater challenge:

Thanks to the Prop Masters:
Charlize Glass:
Matt Steffanina:
Ben Azelart:

Thanks to the Grav Gang for hosting the party:







Thanks to Michelle and Charlotte Cogan for organizing the party:

Video by Sandy Chase
Additional camera: Sarah Anderson

Follow me:

Business inquiries:

Music licensed through
beemer-new by Disiac
Closest by biba-dupont
dusk by VESHZA
Five to One by steve-poloni
from-dust by VESHZA
Good Reason by Swirling Ship
Got It by veshza
New Idea by mike-kirin
Slow Energy by young-rich-pixies
Summer Snow by low-light
up-to-something by K. Solis

  1. Jordan Matter says

    Yay!! Comments are enabled ❀️πŸ’₯ Which was your favorite photo?

  2. Marta Flores says

    te admiro sofi dossi

  3. h a i l e y β€’ b r e a says

    I think Kamri won ngl

  4. Christy Wu says

    That was awesome Jordan! Oh and Sofie

  5. Kinsley Werner says

    Roses are red
    Apples are to
    I got a like
    Wait why is it blue

  6. Pajamas sistars says

    I am a contortionist and I really want to be on your YouTube please

  7. barbara dumancic says

    Why does sofie wear ballet shoes?

    Edit: she still loks looks an angelπŸ˜‡

  8. She could of done an Ariel under water when she was using the mermaid tail

  9. Mia PICARD says

    OMG!!! Best party ever!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
    ⬇️ Coolness factor

  10. Monikaviya Murugan says

    What's the song at 8.57!! I need the link

  11. AwesomeTv For Kids says

    Hi Jordan I love Your Videos soooo Much ong day I hope to be in one of ur vids

  12. The Hybrids says

    Jordan! You should do a 10 minute photo challenge with kaycee rice,sean lew and sofie dossi! I'm sayig it here 'cause this is the only way I can tell you!

  13. sophia sam says

    Ben was there!

  14. CrystalWolfy YT says

    Sofie DOSSI!!

  15. Selena Channer says

    I wish I was on this

  16. Anna Huynh says

    You get in the water and your hairs fluffy kinda but when you get out it’s flat have u noticed?

  17. Jenine Caudel says

    I love number 6πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

  18. Silvia Guerreiro says

    Hi Jordan, balon under watter, don't blow air in it, fill it up, with watter πŸ˜‰

  19. Gladis Caicedo says

    Me gusta me encanta los amo 😘😘

  20. Freya Adele says

    Sofie doesnt need any props to make her photos look amazing, anything with Sofie in it will instantly look amazing as she is just so beautiful

  21. Nabila Nur says


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