[Medibang] Soft painting + Brush settings – TUTORIAL + SPEEDPAINT


I was surfing the web and came across this fictional disease called “hanahaki”. I thought it was pretty interesting how a character would cough petals when caught in a one-sided love. Thus, inspired this drawing. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and found this tutorial helpful x).

Final artwork:


Find me at:



Background music:
“She Closed Her Eyes In Despair” by A Himitsu

  1. Miroslav Gregorcic says

    I love your artwork! I’ve been using medibang app. How can i download the brushes to use it in my phone? Your tutorials are amazing

  2. Buncis Gamer says

    really love how you do the skin!

    i'm still learning how to colour skin right now and Idk why it looks flat

  3. Morgan Barilari says

    Can I just say this is awesome first. Second, you are very, very quiet. I had the volume at 100 percent through my headphones and could barely hear you. This doesn't take away any of my admiration or appreciation of the beautiful art. It just means that the audio could have been a little better. Like I said, the piece itself is amazing and I like that you are helping walk people through the process to get a good result. I love the painting and you are a very skilled artist. Keep up the beautiful artwork.

  4. SiriusBusiness says

    Very useful tips. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Jomari Roxas says

    cute voice OwO

  6. arizure says

    whats bitmap

  7. Chaplain Amin says

    i like your voice and very nice video

  8. Elphin's_Dawn says

    Sorry for asking, but what is the time of any blending brush or something like that. I can't catch settings

  9. Jonah Singer says

    Anyone know why I cant select bitmap watercoloor when creating the brushes?

  10. rshaggy :: says

    this video is really helpful, you are so specific on what to do. thank you! love your video 💜💜

  11. Hendri Pratomo says

    Ok lets start practice 🙂

  12. AshCat Gaming says

    I watched this because i wanna draw my mom. ( today is mother day sooo i wanna do something special :> )

  13. Vivid Pastels says

    How are you so talented 😮 insert pikachu meme here
    But really now, I absolutely CANNOT draw

  14. Nini's Nook says

    What program do you use? It's beautiful and very helpfull!

  15. AG YT says

    The thing i wanna mimic in my own piece with your's that i can color as well as you could, just how smooth this is, how well it was made, and you did this on a free application just shows overall skill. This will be my inspiration and i hope i get to follow your foot steps.

  16. big b says

    Best tutorial. Perfect and Very useful. Thanks for that. 🙏

  17. mika says

    the time u said intuos wacom tablet the auto generated captions stated "intervals weapon tablets"

  18. Elijah Villegas says

    Why the heck can I color decently in real life drawings but when it comes to digital art it all turns to crap!?

  19. Eugene Malaca says

    So pro….

  20. friedpotato says

    I wish i could be this awesome someday ; ^ ; . This is amazing

  21. BTS is the BTbeStᄋ ᄋ says

    Is there a real human who looks like this drawing??? If so, please tell me who lolz ><

  22. Demoniac says

    I am still not sure how to use layer thing. i tried but didn't work for me.

  23. Lucky Paltao says

    You are like Sakimi Chan X Kawancy

  24. Gaetano Cirmeni says

    Its dodge timeee 😀 I love this piece 🙂

  25. DragoGlc says

    what did you use to draw such a masterpiece? graphics tablet or drawing tablet?

  26. Super Girl says

    I feel like these would be A LOT more helpful if things were explained a little more. I'm trying to follow along and do something similar with coloring but it's obvious that you're doing other things that you're not taking note of.

  27. Shacrow says

    Thanks for the tutorial c: your voice is so lovely!

  28. Yura Fox says

    This is nice, I certainly liked watching this uwu I learnt some good stooofs

  29. Funny Bunny says

    I hope I can have a graphic tablet one day, it's pretty hard to draw with the mouse

  30. Evelyn Anselm says

    thanks for your helpful tutorial 🙂

  31. DramCatInBox says

    So inspiring! Thank you so much for the tips <3

  32. Ben Wright says


  33. ღiiArixLoveyiiღ says

    What Software You used to draw?

  34. jiwon지원 says

    do you know how to put the spoil tool as one o the Wacom pen settings?

  35. catee girl games says

    Wow ! 😍😍

  36. Mary Ann Gaden says

    your voice sounds like studytee's. it's so cute. 😀

  37. nar pig says

    i can;t find that 3brush

  38. David Dahl says

    At this speed, this cannot be considered a tutorial

  39. Kennedy Walker says

    I currently have a mostly lineless style, but this is what I aspire to get to some day. It’s going to take practice, but I’ll get there!

  40. i know bro says

    things you need to follow this tutorial:

  41. Leone says

    No comments? Is my yt bugged?

  42. airi ishii says

    I have never seen anyone do this beautifully in medibang. I never liked this program but im thinking of trying it with this technique! Thanks for being so helpful to everyone learning art on their own. Its rly hard to find people that are willing to share their secrets nowadays haha

  43. ClasticMaskPlayz says

    I still cant sketch good ;c

  44. Im Clueless says

    wacom intuos M is 80$? …. uhhh what… what country you from? LOL my M was 400$

  45. Aнтон Ким says


  46. duy nguyen says

    I'm still a noob so I'm wondering if smudge tool is ever used for blending…

  47. M A C says

    Beautiful art but I'm sad cause she got hanahaki…! Anyway thank you so much for this tutorial!

  48. Virus T says

    Beautiful picture. I always love the girl's mouth. I think the petals on her mouth are very beautiful, but if I draw I will leave her mouth there, nothing covered up ^^. Btw, beautiful picture, nice tutorial, keep moving forward ^^

  49. MelonBobStudio says

    so much talent WHEW, thank you for your tutorial 😀

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