1. saur creativity says

    Can we take png file for editing??? I took it but couldn't save it – it's showing me an error – plz update ASAP – I HAVE PORTRAIT PRO 15 VERSION

  2. teiteiboo says

    I love your sense of humor! Thanks for the tutorials. 🙂

  3. Vietnam Vet says

    Is this pro 15 studio?

  4. Visual Psychosis says

    This program is excellent and I am surely no expert, but I use it quite often. You have to play with it to see it's full potential. It's a lot of bang for your buck in my opinion. And it's pretty easy and user friendly. No photo enhancement software is perfect.

  5. Knowyourintent says

    I'm working my way through these tutorials.
    Seems like this software does some things really well and other things so badly they are unusable.
    Lowering and raising a hairline as an example from this video anyway.

    I'm sure it works in some cases otherwise they wouldn't have included it.
    Be nice to see a feature demonstrated in a way that is actually useable.

    Wondering if you will collapse the preset and zoom panels to minimize scrolling in the current panel you are working in,
    before the end of this tutorial series.

  6. Peggy Staley says

    The software program only does the front of the hair. Look at the back of her head. It's the original color. Hmmm… what to do???

  7. Baygolf54 says

    So, this is a followup question – since you can extend to eyebrows and beard can have two different colors, e.g., hair red and the beard gray? Thanks for your quick response. I have grey hair, but I would like to change my beard from gray to black.

  8. Baygolf54 says

    Could you extend the hair mask to include eyebrows and beard? Then change the color?

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