GoPro Fusion 360 Camera Review | Test Footage | Good Enough for Professional Use?


Rupert Rixton of Perspective Pictures tries out the new GoPro Fusion 360 action camera for a week in Sri Lanka. In this review, he talks through his experience using the camera, both the positives and the negatives, and ultimately if he would use the Fusion on a professional job.

The GoPro Fusion action camera captures spherical video with a full 360° field of view in stunning 5.2K. The Fusion captures gorgeous VR (virtual reality) footage without the stitch lines as commonly seen on other cameras of its type. Next-level stabilization ensures super smooth video without the need for external equipment such as a gimbal, making this the ideal next-generation action camera.

Key Features: GoPro Fusion:

* Gorgeous 5.2K Spherical Video: The GoPro Fusion captures stunning 5.2K video with a spherical field of view, making it the ideal 360° action camera.

* Shoot. Then Point: The Fusion allows users to focus on what they’re doing without worrying about framing their shots. By capturing everything around the camera, users can select the best shots in the edit.

* Overcapture: By reframing the 360° footage shot on the camera, users can create and share fixed perspective shots and photos with full control over the field of view.

* Next-level stabilization: The GoPro Fusion features impressive in-camera stabilization, meaning users can capture silky smooth video without the need of external equipment such as gimbals or stabilizers.

* GoPro app compatible: Preview, playback, edit, and share your shots on the go using the GoPro app, which is fully supported by the Fusion.

*Seamless VR footage: Unlike other cameras, the Fusion’s footage is completely seamless, providing a truly immersive VR experience.

*Spherical surround sound: By capturing audio in every direction, footage shot plays back audio based on which way the frame is pointing.

* Durability redefined: GoPro understands the importance of having a hardened action camera that will survive everything you can put it through. The Fusion is shock-proof waterproof (up to 5m)

For more information or to buy the GoPro Fusion visit:

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  1. David Wallace says

    how do to edit it to move around and zoom in and out? move from one angle of the video to another slowly?

  2. Alan W. says

    The best review of the GoPro Fusion 360 on the web. Finally, I know how this thing works now. Well done!!!

  3. Buddhika Dilshan says

    very useful video thank you very much for putting beautiful videos of my country! cheers from Sri Lanka!

  4. Aymane Elhamdouchi says

    Why did not record 360 degree video mother fucker

  5. manjula silva says

    Woow good video…my country 🇱🇰 ❤️

  6. Alexandre Lasbleiz says

    Hi! what about sound quality with pretty loud audio sources (like a rock band for example :p ) ? thks

  7. I See You says

    most of the shots are not in 360 format….

  8. Victor Fonseca says

    You are soooooooo pusssssssssssy with the boats and everything… sad history

  9. Kirk says

    What software can I use to edit? Edit videos. What do I have to install?

  10. Kirk says

    can I upload from fusion while transferring all my vids to my Mac book?

  11. LifeStyleTainChi says

    I bought one but I am getting very blurred images – simply not good enough quality and nowhere near the GoPro 6. I am really puzzled.
    Using PT, flat image in Fusion Studio export.
    Recording ing 5.2 k and placing in both 4k and HD timelines in FCPX.
    Has anyone any idea why this is.

  12. Jacob H. says

    GoPro VR Plugins go FCPX?

  13. Phil G says

    Non replaceable lenses is a deal breaker,looks good otherwise.

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