Wedding Album Flip-thru & start to finish! Wild Orchid Crafts & Nitwit Collections!


Album For Sale: ****SOLD****
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Nitwit Collections Paper Pack Used~Dearly Beloved:

Corenescreations Blog Post related to this album:

Mini Album Tutorial:

Digital Paper Tutorial:

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Thanks for watching! Hope you’ve enjoyed!

Royalty free music by: YouTube library. Kevin MacLeod.

  1. Kelly Ghirarduzzi says

    This is so beautiful, what paper collection did you use? I have to make one for an upcoming wedding and this paper would match her colors to perfection!

  2. June Steuterman says

    What a fantastic job making this, absolutely gorgeous !!

  3. Dallas Simmons says

    Absolutely stunning! I love watching your process and how you put everything together! Also, I want to thank you for showcasing Nitwit Collections. I have never used digital paper before but I am going to try theirs! So many amazing collections! So glad I happened to see your videos, I'm a fan for sure!!!

  4. rita craft says

    hi there…I love this video…great work…at the beginning where you put the paper down and then you put the first pocket on…where did you get the die to make the pattern for the top of the very first pocket…I would love to have it…what is the company and name of it…keep up the great videos

  5. Maria Olga Pasamón says

    Con el material adecuado,todo el mundo al que le gusta hacer Scrapbooking haría maravillas! Gracias por compartirlos su buen hacer!

  6. Maria Olga Pasamón says

    Hello,very and importante job.Excusme my inglish.Lo único que me hubiera gustado más ver despacio como hace la cascada de espina.Y the oclock precius!
    In Spain not hace ni 5% de recortables de Sizzix por Cuttebug, sobre todo este último. Una gran pena!
    Estoy escribiendo desde móvil. Usted vende the books? How many? Thank you

  7. Camille D says

    Lovely album!!

  8. rosiecooper1261 says

    What a beautiful stunning piece for someone to totally treasure.

  9. Esmeralda Alcantara says

    Thank you Corene for sharing this gorgeous mini wedding album.Lovely.😊

  10. Wow! You are amazing! i love your work and I'll watch all your vidios as possible!

  11. Jeanie Gregory says

    Gorgeous album Corene! I love everything! Thanks for sharing.

  12. RED Ja says

    Beautiful album…
    Question…what paper did you use to print on?
    by the way…thanks for sharing with us.

  13. Leticia Lightfoot says

    another beautiful album hun… how would i go about making an order or buying an already made album? ty so kindly and have yourself a wonderful day

  14. Lucila Coronel says

    Una belleza de trabajo, linda estructura y la decoración muy bonita, gracias por compartir!!! 😍

  15. Bethany Frerichs says

    Wow! I went to their site and they have gorgeous papers. This would kill my printer ink as HP ink is overpriced. My only concern would be water damage as the ink isn't permanent. Love the album!

  16. Elmeda Gemes says

    How do you make the paper bows? Love ALL your work!

  17. darlene roach says

    Beautiful Album, also love the nitwitcollections, just wonder/worry how much ink is needed/used to print enough pages etc for a very detailed large/exlarge mini album. I have epson artisan 810, a canon 9000, and a very simple HP Deskjet 1000 printer.

  18. A Special Touch says

    Gorgeous simply gorgeous!

  19. lilibell76 says

    amazing Corene:)

  20. 2352anne says

    This album is just gorgeous and the papers are so beautiful. Tfs hugs Anne.

  21. nurseglenda57 says

    This is probably my favorite wedding album! I just purchased this collection recently and am working on 6×6 papers for an album. Nitwit Collections is my favorite digital collections by far! I love flowers so as you can see, they've got tons to satisfy my floral cravings! Lol. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Maria Elena Scrap says


  23. tinlizzie says

    Simply beautiful Corene!! Awesome process video!! TFS!! Hugs, Liz:)

  24. twinz4me2 says

    Another wonderful mini Corene! Love it!! Hugs, Christy

  25. Mercè Soto Codines says

    Very gorgeous,I will try to make an album.THANKS

  26. Palisade Ave by RitaJo says

    What kind of printer do you use?

  27. S.Roman says

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I will try to make this Album for my niece.

  28. NitwitCollections says

    This is such a beautiful mini album Corene!!! We loved how you chose to (and shared with everyone) take a paper and turn it, or add a couple of other digital embellishments to it before printing in order to get the look you wanted and save you a little time. A wonderful album as always….your talents really shine!!

  29. Deloris Carroll says

    Beautiful! You have so many great ideas for your albums. I recently purchased the Poppies collection for my upcoming birthday party. Thank you for sharing your talents.

  30. Margarita García says

    I love it!!!

  31. mildred verheijden says

    What a beautiful album!! So many great elements and beautiful soft colors!! Tfs Hugs Mildred

  32. Tina Cockrell says

    So beautiful! I love this album and the paper!

  33. C Durran says

    Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing. You are my Silhouette guru…I've learned so much from you! – Cindy

  34. Dedhia Arts says

    so gorgeous.

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