1. AmadSuleman Bharer says


  2. Aschema Mckinson says

    can a phone memory card be use?

  3. Shelby Gold says

    Can you do it threw ubs chord?

  4. Mother of Movies says

    the most useless "Tips video" ever. How about putting some actual information in there about loading and technical problems

  5. Mother of Movies says


  6. foyez hossain says

    what kind of memory card i can use in it ,,,,,,,

  7. WookySnacky666 says

    @thejohnamigo Uh huh, and whoever decided that the stock images should mostly be about babies deserves to be skin alived and salted.

  8. thejohnamigo says

    @WolfySnackrib666 Ever heard of stock images? You fucking moron.

  9. S.m.D says

    whats the res. of this frame ?

  10. 1 P. says

    can the digital frame read also power point presentations ? all my good wishes,oana

  11. della ratbag says

    when you say 'size' is there a limit to the size of the USB they can take? eg I want to send my g'ma a 4GB USB full of stuff but not sure if her frame can take it? Does it say on the back, the limit?

  12. Fredy Perez says

    Which Brand & size is this one ? ?

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