Cloudy Day Photography – Mike Browne


You can shoot awesome photos on cloudy days. I get asked ‘How to do photography on cloudy, grey, overcast days’ a lot. Look at the light qualities (not quantity) and compose images around the light.

I’m back in Zurich at Pfäffikersee lake where I do the Zurich Masterclass. Last time it was sunny, so this time lets go find some grey day photos

Zurich Masterclass:

Mike Browne

  1. awandererTJ says

    I would attempt at the two gliding ducks at 6:006:10 from a lower point (kneeling) at f11, 5-7 burst frames. Might work well with the farther shore landscape shot. (Which is good in its own right though.)

  2. JOAQUIMKIMBO 1 says

    Beautiful place

  3. JC Needles says

    Love love love the light capture. Much to learn.

  4. Zuckerdrone says

    Thinking about buying my first dslr camera soon. This is really helpful.

  5. Jepoy Palaboy says

    I always love you videos, feels like I'm with you at the same're bringing us with you.

  6. Watt ́n-Dampf says

    Yip! What a hip Photographer- Trousers!!! I love it!!!

  7. berthauto says

    I keep watching the 🦆

  8. frank waters says

    the fart was a worthy addition

  9. Inner City Unit says

    Great vlog!…I've watched several of your videos before and have now subscribed…I like your down to earth and natural delivery, and pure enthusiasm for photography, which I find both infectious and inspirational…It just goes to show how great shots can be captured in all weather and lighting conditions…a lot of people, especially those new to photography, would immediately dismiss an overcast day as a no-goer on the photography front, but I think you have demonstrated very nicely just how worthwhile it can be..great shots by the way!

  10. Dennis Howard says

    as usual you explain it in common sense language , really enjoy your videos I learn a lot thanks Mike.

  11. Evil Diesel says

    My favourite one was the one of the dock in a 'T' shape at 17:28. I love the colours and the composition of it. The banks and hills on the left and the docks reflection on the still water. I'd have it on my wall. Not sure why you left the branches on the right side in. Looks a bit weird but doesn't detract too much! Loved the video – unfortunately we have too many days like this here:)

  12. Resinds .P says

    Do you edit your photos in Lightroom or other programms ?

  13. David Patheyjohns says

    You won't see much sun this year. They are geoengineering the skies with so called contrails. I think this summer will be the one and only summer that's going to be a winter. This women has videos showing spraying out of the skies. YouTube and social media is being suppressed as they don't like their objectively seen. The spraying is planned up until 2090 Exeter is real bad as they are now changing the weather within 3hrs, all done without the planets consent of course.

  14. Leon Fourie says

    Not yet subscribed,but just discoverted your video.Couple of questions.Do you use back button focussing?Do you meter to the rightside on your histogram,to obtain best details?Do you mainly use a full frame or crop sensor camera(sorry that the quistion is gear orientated)

  15. Geof says

    Haha, there is a great picture walking behind you at 10:39. Nice helpful video. Thanks Mike

  16. Mike Kerley says

    Looking at the boats I can see a picture from the other end getting them in a line, it just stands out to me watching the video….

  17. EnnJayy says

    Awesome stuff.

  18. Ryan Blair says

    Great lesson! Challenging yourself in less than inspirational settings is exactly how you break the mold!

  19. bjorn dunderbeck says

    Nice work, thanks for sharing.
    Did you see that moorhen in the pier vid?
    Decisive moments in landscape photos, gotta love em!

  20. 1957PLATO says

    Love the way you think aloud

  21. Chevy Van Travel says

    "something you need to put cream on" lol good one.! Well you motivated me to go out and take some pictures …thank you , Sir!

  22. ElyRiverBlues says

    Just found your channel Mike…second video I've watched. Excellent!

  23. Blythe Warland says

    I love the way you make us think about taking a shot

  24. Vincent Spratling says

    Hi Mike. Fabulous video and a great help has I live up north in Lancaster, where we have many a dull days

  25. BFlatBopper says

    Coots, not ducks.

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