1. Alek VH says

    Wow, so complicated. The lens has to focus perfectly and probably need tripod and blinds etc.
    I just point the camera at something bright, focus the lens at min distance so that nothing get in the way, and adjust the diopter to see the lines in the viewfinder clear and sharp. No need to focus, the camera could even be off.
    If the lines are sharp and clear – everything else will be too.
    Am i wrong?
    BTW, love your videos about how stuff work. Very interesting! Thank you.

  2. Mark Acevedo says

    Thank you so much for doing this video i have hit my diopter wheel so many times that i don't even know where to set it anymore and have just kind of guessed and now i know how to set it up correctly for every time in the future i nudge it accidentally..

  3. Soren B says

    useful tip thanks

  4. Chris says

    Awesome….I was just messing with this today and think I am within a couple clicks. I will try this method to see if I can fine tune further. Thank you

  5. evelasq1 says

    Thanks for the advice! But I was able to adjust it via eyesight with no problems and I didn't use this method. It's already set the way I wanted it. Peace, Flood!

  6. Armed Al says

    That rabbit looks very suspicious. I would keep an eye on it.

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