DPReview TV: understanding 4K and 6K Photo modes on your camera

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Special 4K and 6K Photo modes may be one of the most under-appreciated features on recent cameras. After all, with today’s models boasting impressive performance and high frame rates, why would you need them? In this week’s episode, Chris and Jordan take a closer look at these modes and explain why – and when – you’ll be glad to have them on your camera.

For more information check out our in-depth article explaining 4K Photo mode:

Music provided by BeatSuite.com

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  1. Nico Manansala says

    is this will affect the shutter count of camera? panasonic S1 has 400k shutter life.

  2. firecloud77 says

    0:40 Um, 4K is TWO TIMES the resolution of 1080p, not four times the resolution.

  3. JoeS5263 says

    Excellent video explaining 4K and 6K and why they might be useful! Thanks!

  4. David Robinson says

    Watching this a little late, but this was very helpful. As always you do a great job explaining and make it fun. I've got the 4K on my FZ1000 but never really used it, but now I will. More importantly, I've had my eye on the G9 so have some knowledge for future use. Thanks again for a fun and helpful video.

  5. Jason Green says

    I am a little confused, I have been doing a little video shooting but I am a beginner at that so maybe I am missing something. My dslr Raw files have 14 stops of dynamic range in the file and I then compress it down to output in a jpeg image. When I look at my video footage it seems it is already compressed and there is way less data to play with. The other thing I notice is even my old D700 is 14bit and your super awsome GH5 is only 10. That is a massive difference.

  6. Jerryhze0129 says

    can you save multiple photos off these 4k/6k "video" files?

  7. Alessandro Arzilli says

    Great video, but I cannot understand the montage language you used throughout the cuts 🤔

  8. Günther Seiringer says

    Aren't the 6K Photo Mode photos 10-Bit HEVC ? so technically they are superior to regular jpg files.

  9. Tony Chen says

    want a review of that canon eos 3 shown in the vid pls

  10. Kevin Lin says

    what lav/wireless system do you guys use? G3? Sony? Rode?

  11. Ralph Quinones says

    Drop the flip flops!

  12. amxmm says

    Very good summary! One thing you didn't mention though: The relatively crappy AF in 4K/6K photo mode (even on the G9, not to speak of the lower models).

  13. Paulo Carvalho says

    I use this feature a lot with my Panasonic G80. I just wish it had raw!

  14. Rob Jorg says

    `4k and 8k doesnt make sense, no phone supports it and right now you cant stream it to your phone, (bandwith). right now i notice a shift from pc to mobile devices for watching video's. reason why larger youtube channels dont bother with 4k or higher. its going to take a while before it does.

  15. Tobias Moeckel says

    It really is a cool feature to play with, but the fact that you can only extract jpegs renders the 4K/6K photo mode useless for me. The workflow is elegant indeed and I like that Panasonic offers such features, however I would only use it in very extreme situations where each split second matters, e.g. right when the baseball bat hits the ball.

  16. geokatsianis says

    Hey Chris, I'm using A Panasonic GH4 and as you may know, it's capable of shooting 40 fps 16MP stills with the electronic shutter. What added benefit does 4K photo mode gives to me, from shooting just with the electronic shutter?
    Thanks, George.

  17. romiels says

    These instructional and educational videos are great and I really appreciate watching them. Great work guys!

  18. R Rivera says

    Excellent explanations! Thank you.

  19. Meister Sen says

    ideal when you wanne shoot lightningstorms 😉

  20. Willy0851 says

    G85 has the same feature as the GH5…great explanation!

  21. billchoi2000lsc says

    It's H.265 or HEVC, not H.264. Therefore it better than normal video grab

  22. GoPaiTour says

    Thank you man, you made me understand it clearer. Cool!

  23. Daniel J. Cox says

    Chris, have you found software that easily lets you extract 6K Photo Mode stills? I can't find anything and thus once the 6K video has been copied to my Mylio library I have no way to get at the stills. Would love to see you add a workflow element to this video.

  24. Strawberry Kiys says

    A benefit that's not detailed enough in this video is the workflow benefit. Let's say I have scenes I need images from and it requires burst. Either I end up with a few thousand still, or a handful of video files. The speed of transferring a single h.264 video that can be transferred sequentially to an SSD is way way faster than doing it with individual JPEG files. Changing white balance on a single h.264 video file is way faster than doing it on 1000 images (yes even in one batch operation). It's also far less prone to errors because the integrity check involves a single video file and not thousands of individual image files. Your images are contained into this one robust file that can easily be copied, easily managed, and easily error checked. I used to zip files for this very reason, the robustness of containing your images into a single file.

  25. Strawberry Kiys says

    It's weird that some people don't understand the benefit of video frame grabbing. I have been doing this for years now. It gives you 60 FPS burst, and it's a 30 minute burst mode.It's only 2MP (for 1080p) or 8mp (for 4k), but that's not the point. The point is that you can grab the exact moment every single time.The counterargument that the shutter speed is too low is silly, when I shoot specifically for frame grabbing, I am not shooting video at 1/24 or 1/30 for a "cinematic look", I am shooting video at 1/200 or 1/400. I don't care about the video, I care about the frame grabs.

  26. Strawberry Kiys says

    Stills from video are already used everywhere on news sites. Including sports. Even with a shutter speed at 1/60 or 1/120, you still get a sharp picture every other frame, which is usually good enough.

    I often shoot video at 1/400 with the only goal being able to grab frames, my camera does not have a 60 FPS burst mode that can last for half an hour…but I can do this with video @ 1080p. (I don't really care that it's only a 2MP image, that's rarely the point, I just want to capture something that I'm uncertain of when it will happen).

  27. Jim Huang says

    Dislike the video. You guys should have put the warning earlier. Already pull the mechanical shutter out from the camera

  28. Alan Stankevitz says

    Thanks for the great video on this subject. I'd be curious to know what software you use with the 4k/6k video files to edit/extract images. The H.265 format has yet to be adopted by various editing software packages and makes it a rather tedious process. Also, I tried this with fast moving birds and got some really strange looking curved wings due to rolling shutter.

  29. Luciano R says

    While I have pulled frames from video, they were very specific frames that, given the shutter speed I was able to take advantage, but usually what happens is just that; the compression from the video format and the shutter speed is really something that can play against you, specially if you're working with DSLRs that don't have the features those lovely mirrorless have. Still, they're great additions which help that situation I found myself in sometimes, where you wish you could just do video and pull some stills from any situation.

  30. ErebosGR says

    You missed the opportunity to talk about planetary and deep space photography where people stack thousands of 4K frames in Registax to average down the noise and bring out tremendous detail.

  31. Asif Hasnat Monon says

    Love you Chris, you're an awesome speaker, mesmerised always

  32. P Spee says

    Great video guys – I have a ZS-100 and never really understood what these modes were. Now I do! Thanks so much!

  33. Zach Fisher says

    GREAT video, explained so much!

  34. JustSimplyBrandon says

    Can the G9’s High Resolution mode create 8K photos?

  35. SuperSwedes says

    Very well explained! My favourite Youtube channel!!

  36. Ran Bar-Levi says

    If your only object is getting a good picture then fine. but shooting video and searching frames for a perfect shot is like spray and pray. it does not feel like photography to me personally. it's like buying an app that does it all for you.

  37. 3D Editor says

    Thanks for this review. I purchased the G9 a month ago and really enjoying all of it's features. Huge upgrade from the Sony AX33 camcorder.

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