How to Direct your Couples for Candid Photos | Behind the Scenes with Becca

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This is a full behind the scenes video with Becca Cannon! I had Kidron come a long on a very real photo shoot with me to film all the fun prompts and poses I have my couples do. This session was very unique because I had never met my couple before this session so I didn’t have much of a chance to get to know them before hand. However, before and during the session I wanted to get to know them a little bit to help make the session more comfortable. One of the best ways to make them feel comfortable is by a lot of direction in the photos. And this is what the video is for! You can see how I am constantly giving them direction and positive encouragement to reassure them they’re doing an amazing job! So if you need inspiration on how to get these natural reactions and to really see their personality come out in the photos then you will definitely enjoy this video!

***So many are asking what cameras and lenses I’m using! Nikon D750 Nikon D810 + 35mm f1.8 + 24mm f1.8

Follow me on Instagram! @cannonweddingphotography


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#howtopose #photographytips #nashvilleweddingphotographer

  1. Roy Phenk says

    Thanks so much for sharing this invaluable experience. It is very helpful.

  2. Jennifer Hawthorne says

    Oh my gosh you had me teary-eyed several times. You are amazing and I am now so inspired!!

  3. Bethany Janelle says

    This video is so informative! Going on my first engagement shoot today, and you have no idea how helpful this is, thank you so much!! 🙂 Love your personal proposal video too!! 🙂

  4. Jasmin Sarita says

    you're amazing!!!!! i just love everything about this video and demonstration!!!!!

  5. Dee Hang says

    Okuuuurrr this is AWESOME. Great tips

  6. Samantha Lowe says

    This is SO good! SO informative! I almost didn't click because I thought "I have seen every posing video I am sure it's the same as everyone else" but NO you knocked it out of the park – good job babe! <3

  7. Michelle Cox Photography says

    Wow that lighting at 2:07 is perfection!!!

  8. Amy Reno says

    I absolutely loved the sitting down photos! My favorite was the raspberries one! They are such an adorable couple! I really loved the making it a game idea! It keeps them less focused on the camera and more focused on each other!

  9. julian pirker says


  10. Jenia Symonds de Montfort says

    this is awesome!!

  11. Lesli Streets says

    This was so helpful to watch. Thank you for doing this!!!!!! I really enjoyed watching your ability to keep it fun and keep them moving so they don't get bored, tired and worn out. You have a great ability to make this flow quickly and easily for clients it seems. Keep more vids like this coming please!!!!!!!!!! I learned a bunch!!!!!!!

  12. marilev11 says

    That was very fun and sweet! 🙂

  13. MiniMom 13 says

    Ok. I came here looking for tips on giving better directions. I hate posing. So this was amazing to watch and learn from! I am so excited for my next shoot!!

  14. Jessica Wilson says

    My eyes water too!!!

  15. Love The Hendersons says

    Yess please show us your post processing workflow…I admire your work so much

  16. reyanne corl says

    This was perfect! More videos like this would be helpful!

  17. Stephanie Duncan says

    This video is everything. I used these on a couple last night and I’m loving the results.

  18. Karolina Lym says

    Love it! Around what time did you do this session?

  19. Daria Orlova says

    Holy Guacamole!!! I’m so glad YouTube suggested your video. It’s amazing! I’m a wedding photographer and I struggle sometimes with finding right poses for couples, but your video gave so much more ideas!! Thank you so much for doing this! And your photos look amazing!

  20. Curtis Powell says

    Dude! This was epic! Thank you for sharing!!!

  21. Valeria Cornejo says

    Amazing thank you so much

  22. Mia Mano says

    Ooooh love the camera strap! Where is it from? Looks like a harness type, dual strap.

  23. Nathan Chance says

    How do you set the camera? I mean you checked the result from time to time but didn't seem to change the setting. I wonder whether the setting work with different situation as you move around

  24. fff fff777 says

    AMAZING work!! thank you !

  25. Janet Bae says

    wow i'm shooting my first engagement photo session in a couple of weeks and this video is SOOOOO HELPFUL! In fact, this is my first youtube comment hahahaha thank you so much!!!!

  26. Stacey McCaa Aussie Mumma says

    These are sooo greatt!! Thank you

  27. drkjedi28 says

    What time of day was the shoot?

  28. Nicole Manosky says

    What time of day was this shot at??

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