1. VIDEO&MUSICEditor says

    I thought this was a boudoir behind the scenes. I'll I seen was ya driving around, talking and walking.

  2. couchpuhtater says

    Some genius turned down the temperature I’m sure

  3. Tirgal says

    Talk about being cucked.

  4. Raiden Photography says

    I do photography work and where do I book you for a shoot!

  5. alexander santana says

    Beautiful girl keep it up and your boyfriend needs to have a lot of patience

  6. AIBEE says


  7. Josè Jean-Pierre says

    Dammnnnnn ❤💛💚

  8. Flex _24 says

    I’m just here for the booty….

  9. Soy Tu Padre says

    Dang 😍😍🔥😜

  10. Marquise Carter says

    Her body is just amazing along with her personality.  Nice shots

  11. Dave Bujold says

    my boss couldnt see my screen… asked what i was watching… told him it was photography related… went back to his desk.

  12. cecegloria dez says

    Beautiful body …face uhh not so much..😂

  13. joe fancella says

    she is beautiful I love wen other men go threw my girls underwear

  14. Nate Harris says

    Ur beauty is so freaking extraordinary and breathtaking. Hope u get front cover of a magazine. Sweetheart. Stay bless!

  15. Ryan M says

    My face the entire time


  16. Jorge Cabrers says

    Great spirit and body .

  17. VIOUTLAW26 says

    Devin we better see a proposal video for 2019 this woman is wife goals

  18. Steven Flo says

    thank you 😘

  19. Paul Njoroge says

    Am I the only one who saw and heard a bit of disappointment from the photographer when Devin walked in behind Bobbi?

  20. Jordyn Hixson says

    Cant get enough of you both. I really enjoy watching the life of you two. Never gets boring!

  21. Synyster B says

    Bobbi, you are so gorgeous. All that working out and eating healthy really pays off. We need more bodies like these

  22. Vindicator says

    Well its easy to see  Bobbi  is an expert at  sassy style posing. 😉  Love the red one-piece lingerie by the way. 🍷😎

  23. ASHUR-DAN says


  24. Adam Sankey says

    You look amazing Alvin lol I mean Bobbi #bestmodelever

  25. il greco says

    Wow bobbi, you are fantastic!!!and also so nice

  26. 2wheels2fast says

    You should do a “things I can crack with my butt cheeks” video lol

  27. Irish Reaper YT says

    Hey bobbi great vid, dropped my like 👍🏼

  28. Jared Lostetter says

    Keep up the great work mam!🙋🏼‍♂️

  29. fero2173 says


  30. Luke Slater says


  31. roxxie s says

    Thanks for sharing this behind the scenes with us you should 100% post more like this

  32. Augustine Trujillo says

    Oh my lord!!!! So beautiful

  33. mitchmgt7 says

    OMG IM IN LOVE 😍😍😍, i hate u devin lol

  34. paydro_ mivec says

    I ain't gonna lie, that Genesis sounds mean as hell 😂. Now thats some Korean Muscle. Nice photoshoots btw.

  35. Le Channel says

    Bohdurrr? More like Boo-dwar

  36. Guanajuato Estrada says

    Bobbi….. Just my recommendation, just saying here, you should make a sexy calendar yourself and other beautiful girls "CARS" to be exact, love your channel!

  37. Aaron Endris says

    A sexy girl with a sexy car js but that’s a dream girl

  38. Colin McDonell says

    My jaw dropped…..even the girlfriend got wet watchin that photoshoot. Keep up the great work Bobbie.

  39. erick saenz says

    Bobbi is my true dream love 😍 😍 😍 lol she's more then just fine she's such a real down to earth person.

  40. Hasan Zarea says

    I like your ass 😍😍

  41. dave boyo says

    Devin, you are one lucky guy…..😉

  42. Danillo Pattrocinio says

    Absolutamente incrível. Perfeição te define!

  43. damiansredevo05 says

    Hot sauce!!!

  44. Goddess ByNature says

    U so chill🔥

  45. DatMexicankid OG says


  46. Johny Merano says

    Oh girl, you are so sweet, beautiful and hungry 😂 BTW wash your car 🤔

  47. antonioe81ea says

    Hi beautiful picture

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