MicroFogger – the affordable mini smoke machine / fogger for photographers


The MicroFogger can be purchased through our official website at

Alternatively, we also sell it for a higher price via eBay at the following link:

Spare coils and additional fog fluid are available at

Want to see a 3rd party review of the MicroFogger? Here is an article from Fstoppers:

  1. Robin Bpunkt says

    Hello there! Do you fill the fogger with pure glycerine?

  2. Adam Linnér says

    How loud is the microfogger? I'm thinking about including it into a costume but don't want to sound like a motor every time I start I up 😅

  3. quokan says

    Is there a way to control how much comes out? For example a mist effect?

  4. T aviation68 says

    So what’s the difference between this and a vape

  5. Eli Kahan says

    Looks like a vape

  6. Eddie Haskell says

    Hi I have a question if u could respond that would be great, I need one of these for a project and I live in America do you ship to america.

  7. Andrew Clunie says

    Would it be strong enough to haze a whole room?

  8. Shane Chojnacki says

    Could you please let me know if there is anyways to make this function via remote control? Or at least add an on/off switch so I don't have to manually hold the button down. Thanks

  9. Mathieu Stern says

    I sent you an email for a youtube review of your product

  10. Julio Vasquez says

    Is the case able to be opened? I’d like to run wires to the fire button terminals so that I can create a longer extended wired switch. Ultimately a wireless switch would be best, but even so if the terminals can be exposed I could just create my own wireless switch. If that is possible, could I get a deal on buying more than one? For example, four? And what’s the ETA for the wireless switch model? Thanks!

  11. animgames says

    Can the fog be black?? Please tell me i want to buy it, but i have to know if i can add the black color to the fog.

  12. 여름7월 says


  13. Risto Peter says

    Any way to create an on/off switch that could be attached by wires or a wireless on off switch? This would be great for cosplay if there was another way to turn it on and off without directly pressing that button.

  14. Roman Gonzalez says

    I want this for my mysterio cosplay, but is there a way to keep the fog going without having to press the button?

  15. jerichocg says

    Still have this ? I can’t find you in instagram 😯😯? I need to my photography and this is why more cheaper than TINY FX it cost like 900USD fuck!!!

  16. jose ramon rodriguez ruiz says

    Como la obengo i que precio tiene ??

  17. Abinunni 98 says

    Is it available in flipkart in india

  18. Ashish Jois says

    Do you ship to India?

  19. gabriel hablich says

    bit expensive if i must say

  20. Alex D. Malfoy says

    Is it possible to make it remote control??

  21. Vojtech Flidr says

    Guys do someone have this item already and can tell us some review?

  22. Shrek Norbert says

    vApE nATioN

  23. BET LLC says

    Just ordered one for building leak testing if it works for us will order some more. Can you customize graphics on the case for a reasonable quantity

  24. Roman Reings123 says

    What is its price?

  25. Eikichigai (Billy Woolfolk) says

    Please make more videos. I have been looking for a small portable fogger to use for photography and the few I have seen are way too expensive. This is not a bad price, but I'd like to get a better feel for just how much fog it creates and how log the fog lingers. Can you please stand a person in front of a black background and surround them with fog, then keep filming to show how long it takes to dissipate?

  26. ReTro_Misty says

    What are you return instructions besides 14 days?

  27. Hack's Weapon says

    What if i lower the watts down to 40 and use vape juice 90%vegitable glysterin. Will it work?

  28. Scott Hood says

    to expensive. was expecting 40 but 80

  29. Venu Mudhiraj says

    where does it avaliblr

  30. Thot Patrol says

    Photographers = teens thinking there cool

  31. Aquatic Kings says

    Want this so bad lol. Too expensive though. Is there shipping to New Zealand

  32. Dark Well Resident says

    Can the smoke be colored? For example black?

  33. Funtopia says

    Can I but it with euros?

  34. RMG Doge 2 says

    Does it work with all vegetable glycerin or is the fuel for the Mini Fogger exclusive?

  35. Ezra Rix says

    How old do u have to be to get this? And what goes in it to make the fog

  36. Butlr says

    Does it run on fog juice or whatever it’s called or does it use water?

  37. Aljfcry617 says

    Can you use vape juice in this?

  38. Kontara Morphis says

    If I order this today will it arrive before Halloween?

  39. Kayla B says

    Question, can it be made or modified easily to be remote controlled?

  40. GFU_Icy says

    im gonan bring this to school and pretend im vaping

  41. Coalcandy says

    Hmmmm, interesting! I found this while looking at the Micro Rocket from http://www.smokemachines.net/buy-battery-powered-smoke-machine.shtml
    Maybe this would actually be enough for what i have in mind for considerably cheaper…

  42. Little_Astro says

    When its full of fog juice how much can it last ?

  43. TheBlue-R-I-S Justin says


  44. TheBlue-R-I-S Justin says


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