How to do product photography tutorial by Karl Taylor – EP#011

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In this video I’ll be demonstrating what can be captured directly out of camera without resorting to post production as your first option to fix your image.


Apply this knowledge take-away to your work and save yourself a huge amount of time in the future.

Other techniques covered include:

* Precision lighting control.
* Common misunderstandings of lighting ratios.
* How to visually identify your lighting requirements WITHOUT a light meter.
* The light by light development of the image.
* Using hidden reflectors.
* Using large graduated diffused lights and very precise hard light control.


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  1. Karl Taylor says

    Hi Guys, thanks for all your comments it seems you have really enjoyed this video. Please share it and like as it really will help us to make more in the future. Thank you.

  2. Javi Calvo Fotografía says

    Amazing work !!! No matter how much money you have in gear which is important here is how you do it so we can appreciate the details of a great photographer work. Thank you for sharing this video !!!

  3. Walker Hicks says

    You're a beast!

  4. arjun kumar says

    Sir you are one of a kind in the world i love the way you do your work😍😍😍😍

  5. Osiel Marín says

    Aprecio mucho ver tu proceso porque es posible replicarlo aun por fases entendiendo los principios de los que partes para realizarlo

  6. Osiel Marín says

    Cuál es el precio de una foto como esta en el mercado, pensando en que puedes ser contratado por una empresa que cuenta con un presupuesto adecuado?

  7. Candace Sherman says

    urgh.. great content but the moving shaking camera gave me too much motion sickness

  8. Hurrght Oláffson says

    This is not a photo studio: it's a control room in the international space station! And imagine that I used the fabric of my underwear to build a softbox! Perfect light!

  9. Hurrght Oláffson says

    Dude, You could build an orbital station with this equipment.

  10. Sami Somi says

    Super expensive..

  11. Anil Kakde says

    very descriptive.. Thanks

  12. 50 cent's Financial Advisor says

    Do you not use softboxes just to save room?

  13. Austin Lindsay says

    Were you using distilled water or anything to keep the water clean looking?

  14. Gustavo Concepción says

    wow de verdad que es un trabajo impecable! felicidades.

  15. Do Ro says

    Teenage boy eager to show off his expensive tools (more money than good sense), hoping they may compensate for otherwise rather feeble natural endowment (they won't). Grow up!

  16. UXXV says

    Just astounded by this. Thank you for the insights!

  17. A Novikov says

    Absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge🤗

  18. Mod Bull says

    you are really rich . for this type of studio really need good investment. hope i will make money slowly to fastly

  19. Kris Lastname says

    Did you use tracing paper for your scrim above or some of that Lee diffusion paper?
    I'm trying it with tracing paper from an art supply store roll and I find I can actually see the texture of the paper in the reflection.

  20. Brwa Yassin says

    We learn from this tutorial, how to watching expensive equipment…..

  21. John Santos says

    BOSS photo set up. 🙌🏽

  22. Ivon Rojas says

    Mr. Talylor, i have learned a great deal from your tutorials over the years, but i would like to see this Video that you are talking about where you use home made tools to achieve an acceptable result as i do not have the thousands of dollars to purchase the equipment that you use in this video. thank you, Ivon

  23. Meurig Davies says

    Hey Carl, Great tutorial, that's a great lighting setup, couldn't you also control your lighting as well as your camera from your PC rather than having to go to the pack for adjustments?

  24. Sami H says

    I woder if there are any other options or simililar lights then these Picolites. I am looking foward to find a cheaper alternative… Any suggestions ???, PLEASE

  25. Karim Manjra says

    Great tutorial thanks! Did you publish a video on how to make homemade lighting material?

  26. Karen Hoinke says

    You did an excellent job in conveying your knowledge. Thank you. I greatly appreciate your time.

  27. Hari Babu says

    with the help of photoshop more-than this can be done easily instead of using this much of setup and spending huge money for the same.

  28. KBee795 says

    Imagine trying this in the old film days. Oh, so nice to chimp shots on a big monitor to see your lighting effects. What a great studio and gear and camera man.

  29. Thiago Von says

    what camera did you use?

  30. baldeep khokher says

    Your level of precision always amazes me. Thank you for sharing such brilliant tutorials.

  31. ekphotography says

    Not bad for over $100.000.00 of equipment…hahahaha Nice one mate.

  32. James Bryant says

    Something to aspire too. A true master of your art.

  33. Jaspreet Singh says

    huge setup

  34. Snow Jone says

    this video is Good for professionals, useless for normal people like me….
    all those professional lights and settings…..omg

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