The National Geographic Guide to Landscape and Wildlife Photography | The Great Courses

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Our world is filled with so much eye-catching beauty and intrigue that it demands to be photographed. The only problem: the perfect landscape and wildlife shot is so tricky that if you don’t know how to shoot what you’re seeing at the right time and the right moment, you’re likely to let these natural wonders pass you by.

In fact, it often seems like some photographers are simply blessed with a preternatural ability to capture these subjects in their lenses. But even the world’s greatest landscape or wildlife photographers are operating from a learnable set of skills, techniques, tricks, tools, and perspectives to get their award-winning photos of shimmering sunsets, snowcapped mountains, curious monkeys, and vibrant fish. Knowing how to work with natural light, how to move quickly and quietly, how to play with depth of field and perspective, how to research your subjects, how to see the world like a professional photographer: these and other insights can help photographers at all levels take smarter, sharper photos—whether you’re on a short walk through your backyard or on a grand trip to some of the most unique regions on the planet.

Who better to explain these skills and insights than expert photographers from National Geographic, whose trained eyes are responsible for some of the most powerful images of the natural world? In The National Geographic Guide to Landscape and Wildlife Photography, National Geographic photographers Michael Melford and Tim Laman reveal their stories and secrets about what makes for great landscape and wildlife photography. Taking you around the world from the comfort of your own home, they’ve created 24 visually-rich, adventure-packed lectures that lay bare the art of seeing that’s essential to taking unforgettable photos of desert cliffs, penguin colonies, dramatic waterfalls, birds of paradise, and so much more.

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  1. Tech Fly says

    my aim is to become a wildlife photographer

  2. Tech Fly says


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