Why WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY is BORING (and how to change that)

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Wedding photos can be boring. This is my opinion on how you can approach shooting a wedding in a more unique way.

♫ All Music in this video by:

●Plans for the Weekend

●From a Friend

●Deep In Love (feat Taiyo Ky)
Song –

Follow Blue Wednesday –

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  1. Jamie Windsor says

    To all those who are commenting that I’m just talking about candids, I apologise if I have failed to effectively communicate what I mean in this video. This isn’t about simply shooting candid shots. Even candid shots still have a formula and an aesthetic that you can take from other photos. What I’m talking about is finding influence and inspiration from outside of photography. Trying to tap into your intuition and gut feelings to make images rather than letting preconceived ideas about what makes a good image be your driving influence.

  2. Zdrankowski Photography says

    I understand what You ment! Very interesting!

  3. denny11lane says

    Regards the Wedding Stuff, that is precisely why i was (almost) ALWAYS the "second shooter" at weddings. Even on my own jobs, i would hire a competent assistant and have Him/Her do all the ditch-digging photography to make sure the wedding couple got all the the typical and expected frames. That left me free to shoot all the frames that 99% of the people would care about four weeks after the wedding was over.
    BTW…..Another great video from this guy.!

  4. Peggy Stevinson Bair says

    It's great that another photographer looks at films for an understanding of how visual narratives are being formed. I feel like you've been reading my mail. So refreshing to hear someone say boring outloud. What is the creative interest in making the same photos over and over again? Are we able to see something different in different settings? Or are we looking to force the same scenrios into different settings because they "work" and are expected? I've been looking through wedding photography websites and they literally all look the same. Yes, the era has changed from Monte Zucker to fauxtojournalistic style, but the formula has crept in as photographers flock to the safety of predictability. I can't live my creative life like this or I'll just die of boredom.

  5. Angelene Bull says

    Good message 👍👍

  6. Strong Island says

    I've not read all the comments but the word I thought when I saw the B&W kiss/smile photos was 'honesty'. I've shot weddings in the past (with 35mm which was fun) and I think you are right, the photographer doesn't need a shopping list, they need an eye for something special just about to occur. That involves a sense of trust between the photographer and the subject that in a way is unique to wedding photography.

  7. Santiago Torres says

    Iwo Jima? Cmon

  8. Aeromatic says

    This reminds me of how some music artists do not listen to the genre which they produce. The music feels more like the genre then what many artists make. I think A famous case of this is Stephen King never finishing a novel

  9. Aeromatic says

    This reminds me of how some music artists do not listen to the genre which they produce

  10. StrobistDude Bokeh says

    Well said 👌

  11. Nick Withford says

    I’d say this is the reason I’ve only been able to tolerate peaky blinders

  12. Mahmood R Thomas says

    I am a photojournalist / street photographer and a friend once asked me to do his wedding no instructions were given so being an artist I thought creativity . So away I went and the final results were my friend was upset and wanted his money back . I said screw you and will never do wedding stuff again . Another guy I know asked me I refused he told me they would pay me well and chauffeur me around I still said no . It's an awful job , only if you have them agree to an artist view of the wedding then fine but traditional wedding is out my range I love doing work for me . A buddy of mine in Canada , Toronto is a wedding photographer he told to do it's good money and summer hours , he said you do your own stuff during the winter and fall . No way I moved to the Dominican Republic where it's summer all the time and shoot street every day I love it I work for me screw weddings . I do birthday stuff for friends here which can be ok and creative and I never have an issues they love my work here .

  13. appleonmondays says

    Your b rolling is fire

  14. gremlinsbreath says

    At one of the few weddings I attended I was the only person (including the actual photographer) that tilted my camera up and took photos of the church. It's the only photo of that wedding that I kept.

  15. Sushi Mamba says

    Good stuff.

  16. Shadman Shahriar says

    I unanimously agree with what you have said. A sense of your own perception of literature in what you shoot will not always get you the best looking pictures, but will give you pictures that mean a lot to you and can mean a lot to the people you're taking shots cause you and they can relate. You shoot the story; they appreciate the literature and the moment.

  17. Richard Sullivan says

    One of the best photo teachers

  18. Ante Andrijasevic says

    Liked and left a comment ❤️ thank you Jamie for all your videos they make so much sense !

  19. Schoko Fukuda says

    I wish at least one quarter of the world population was as genuine and awesome as you Jamie…

  20. themindblow100 says

    You are annoying but intelligent hahahaha

  21. ofal adrian says

    Wew! i loved it man.. i'm a wedding planner from indonesia and i feel bored too.. thanks for the inspiration. keep the good work.

  22. LulaMento says

    0:08 that transition is SO COOL

  23. SuperSF100 says

    Thank you for this. I was losing myself in the endless YouTube videos that push algorithms and standards for how everyone should make art. While helpful for building a foundation, I believe the algorithms are like training wheels that need to be taken off at some point.

  24. Effie Skitsa says

    Even though I'm not a wedding photographer I totally, totally agree with you.

  25. Weddings Knots says

    We in India call this candid photography and we and some others heavily emphasis on capturing those sudden candid moments. Great video though 🙂

  26. Herr Schulze says

    Man… for me! your are the godfather of transitons and excellent content

  27. Marvin Klein says

    I should subscribe to your channel. These videos are just good and very well done. I have to say I felt all of your wedding images. The bride smiling made me smile, the groom laughing made me chuckle. Photographing people is a thing I find super hard. A comment from a friend that I took a photo of with her fiancé was "your strength lies more in photographing inanimate objects" (the image is blurry [ISO100 film after sunset, 1/8s at f/3.5, no image stabilization with a 1970s camera], but I find it great because it shows them holding hands, goofing around and him singing while walking towards me; not a staged shot as I haven't successfully staged people yet) and she is definitely right, as I almost exclusively shoot stuff I find in nature. Therefore wedding photography, when done right, is not only really cool, but most definitely super hard to master, when it's not for the stuff everyone else does.

  28. Topshit Photography says

    In this context you would love the work of Samo Rovan, because he became one of the most recognised wedding photographers doing exactly what you've said. You should use his photography to make the stronger case. My opinion is that wedding photography, just like photojournalism, is not about the photographer but about the event. It's what is happening in front of the lens, not behind the lens. And yes, just like a graphic design can very much reflects an individuality, that is most often then not, an exception. If you look for individuality, do it after the commission for your own sake. Wedding photography does allow more creative freedom then product table top photography, but not really. A photographer is there if I may rephrase Susan Sontag to flatter to the each and everyone at the event. Nobody cares what is the photographer's opinion, make nice flattering work! Just like product photography has to be flattering.

    That said, your vlogs are superbly done. I hate talking head format of a vlog, but you make it so much better then me or anybody else. Bravo.

  29. Cam De Pete says

    I enjoyed watching that . I'm getting asked to take a lot of weddings . I'm not a wedding photographer I like doing events around town etc. And shamefully I don't charge a lot and I really tell people I'm not the standerd and they really won't get the normal standerd shots they would with a professional but unless they are being polite ( and let's face it it's too late after ) but they say they really love them . I do what you say and take moments I see . Very hardly any posed shots just normal important bits but once they are done just people having a larf . And you are right capture some really lovely moments. Thanks for that vid. Xx

  30. mytube says

    I think another reason the smile/kiss on the dance floor works so well, despite all its technical flaws is that the darks and lights of couple's "pose" has the shape of a heart and there are a couple of loose heart shapes formed in the blurred lights in the background. The "hearts" are incredibly subtle, but the brain picks up on it whether we fully notice it or not. That could never be staged or added later without being forced or awkward and stilted…

  31. UrbanPhotography says

    Absolutly love this video – great take on this topic!

  32. DingbatToast says

    I love this video. So much truth and so much to remember when you're just out there "doing a job"
    It reminded me why I love photography, and for that, thank you

  33. joe honeyands says

    Food for thought. Thank you.

  34. Mehdi Husain says

    I’m just in love with you.

  35. Sue Konvalinková says

    You could not be more right with all that! Thank you for all the videos and knowledge you transfer.

  36. Mamiya Phan says

    bag of wind

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