How To Shoot Portraits At The Beach


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If you are thinking of photographing a portrait session down at the beach, here is a tutorial on how to shoot dreamy portraits! We went to the beach early in the morning around 7am, and it was freezing! Luckily the photos turned out great!

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instagram: @bachphotographyau

Model’s instagram: @imogenkaren

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  1. sha Yu says

    The model is very pretty depicted, the background however, is way too much blurred. So what's the point of going all the way to beach; I can hardly figure out where you took the photo. LOL

  2. Peter Betts says

    Great Photoshop Tutorial !!

  3. Sammar Hadi says

    I just saw your video love it love it love it!!! It’s from the beginning to the end that’s what I was looking for thank you so much please keep doing this great work 🤗

  4. GilbertTV says

    great tutorial

  5. meno1983meno says

    Thanks for sharing

  6. Beautiful model. Thank you.

  7. Gabriel says

    Pop up the eye

  8. Clu says

    I’m subscriber number 5000, what do I win?!?!!

  9. Mahesh says

    Which lens do you use?

  10. NicPalichPhotography says

    Omg I just found your channel and had to subscribe. I was hooked in on the first video. Keep up the great work. -NPP

  11. meded moon says

    I just can't get over how clean your photos are, stunning.

  12. Jevaughn Smith says

    Love this video! recently did one similar:)

  13. Wahab Dilawar says

    The one thing I don't like about letting the background get too much out of focus is that the subject looks like as if it's a sticker pasted on a blurry background photo. Using a flash worsens this. IMHO…the only way to avoid this "composite feel" is to let a bit of foreground before the main subject.

  14. Patrick McMullen says

    Like the video. Do you ever use off camera flash? Just curious. Their's alot of emphasis on that. Maybe too much. Clearly the beach offers natural reflective light into the shadows.

  15. Creative Me says

    Very nice video and techniques. Thanks for sharing!

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