1. serbanmike says

    A bunch of deplorables?

  2. AI 2100 says

    The sooner the EU fall apart the better.

  3. nitish moheeputh says

    matteo renzi primo ministro italiano
    matteo renzi prime minister of Italy

  4. kizili says

    Turkey is missing 🙂

  5. Jean Dupuis says

    Germany will quit also ASAP this union.

  6. Our mr. Borisov is so left out and lonely i cri ;c

  7. Resolution says

    No one is missing there is 1 to many and that is Merkel

  8. Charmain LaReau says

    Wake up World

  9. Michal čáni says


  10. Michal čáni says

    Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj kvôli 300 kolotoč v kravatach sa človek nevie nikam dostať načo nám je doprava dnes zadarmo keď sa nevieme nikam dostať??????????????????? Hanba Vám fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj

  11. Srcgrh Channel says

    Sorry Merkel, seems they all are ignoring you. – junker.. There comes the dictator again 🙂

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