1. Rafa Tirado says

    5:27 se le ve muy feo el cuerpo de la contura para abajo 😖😵🙈

  2. Gacha Wolfy says

    I love her red dress

  3. Dani Ramos says

    Eres fea

  4. Quốc Thịnh says

    8uuim i gcec0

  5. Baba Bende says

    Ala bazı videolarin hepsi aynı oluyo lütfen ona bir bakarmisiniz birde daha fazla fikir olsa daha iyi olu kolay gelsin

  6. Odalys Madrid Garcia says


  7. Beverly Villanueva says

    What the heck?

  8. I like your beautiful dress, but your book is upside down…

  9. MioBio HundKanal says

    Wenn man sich dadurch besser fühlt ein foto zu machen von seinem Gewicht obwohl jemand sie hochhebt 😒👍

    Selbstsüchtig ist sie auch

  10. Ilove you 👍👍👍

  11. Patience Scott says

    you have beautiful blue eyes.

  12. Lili Nima Bhilusinxo says

    Luv ur videos

  13. Zehra says

    Tartidaki kilo benim kilom tam olarak bugün ölçtüm sshshjsjs

  14. Karina Weidner says

    Your dress is so niceeeeee

  15. lila the killer says

    Dude i weigh like you and im only 10 years

  16. Emma de Jong says

    Zo leuk

  17. Cholitrankita De Porkeria :v says

    Whats Music? Please

  18. Var för får du vara med i tidning

  19. juliana villa alonso says

    Min 6:06 q puto asco con sus pies


    NO I don't

  21. Yusifova Aysun says

    This video is perfectt

  22. Luisa Nava says

    liv inkl in nabo b i obo løn af u ibn knoll

  23. Asya Şehirli says

    Bazıları saçmaa

  24. Naiara Alves betin says

    You beautifull love you

  25. Google Account says


  26. Google Account says


  27. alexa Gurierrez says

    Loveeeee!!!! 👌👌

  28. Someone Not important says


  29. Ut Iyssgw says

    The video is copy to 5minut crafts

  30. Relax CreatorM says

    aaaaghh a house like this!!! So jelly 🙁

  31. Kinley Monster says

    I love you guys so much ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

  32. Raegan Thompson says

    I hope they know that 42 is not a healthy weight when your an adult

  33. Dounia Abraymi says

    This dress is amazing

  34. SNAB GOYL says

    أي وأخ د عربي دخل على الفيديو يحط لاي

  35. TheJuicy Mango says

    Nice dress

  36. Amanda Swearingin says

    The dress is 👌

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