How to Edit like @MARKSINGERMAN | Famous Instagram Photographer #1


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My name is Kaiwan Shaban and I love Potatoes

  1. Dawood Omer says

    I've waited my entire life for this! More of these tutorials please and thanks for sharing it with us 🙂

  2. Anas Altaf says

    I want to download photo shop with most of plugins bro can you make a separate video for it …

  3. Anas Altaf says

    Best professional photographer in the YouTube … Appreciate your work bro..

  4. Azzura's beauty boutique says

    amazing tutorial!! thank you so much, new subscriber 👍🙌

  5. African Chai says

    Lexonart please 😭

  6. Valensij Krutova says

    Спасибо за интересный цвет фотографии.

  7. Akmuhammet Berdiyew says


  8. LEHAT 21 says

    karakant zoor jwana bas tkaya ba kurde vedio blaw bkawa chunka zorbay kurdakan sairt dakan blam ba bashe let te nagan

  9. Homan Baran says

    بوجي كوردي نا اخفي

  10. worstway ; says

    Check out my change background and fantasy edit using Photoshop

  11. soumaya sousou says

    hi please name of this programme

  12. Ross Geller says

    This tip worked, but not as good as the site you mentioned in your last video www. FollowersShack . xyz – I received 4,500 new followers the first day, and now average around 20 new followers per hour, still!

  13. debam maity says

    This tip worked, but not as good as the site you mentioned in your last video www. FollowersShack . xyz – I received 4,500 new followers the first day, and now average around 20 new followers per hour, still!

  14. Akkii stuff's says

    thanks alot my freinds..ur just awesome..

  15. Wade Wilson says

    This tip worked, but not as good as the site you mentioned in your last video www. FollowersShack . xyz – I received 4,500 new followers the first day, and now average around 20 new followers per hour, still!

  16. Roj Kurdish says

    كةس نةمابوو سةر شولكةى ئيلا اياد؟ ب چ تشتا جوان نابيت ههههه،،، بشار

  17. Kendallyn Daily says

    I was just barely looking at his channel then I randomly clicked this, im glad I did.

  18. Juan Perdomo says

    I can get thousands of new Instagram followers from the tool that I use at www. FollowersShack . xyz

  19. Kai Kian Chin says

    This tip worked, but not as good as the site you mentioned in your last video www. FollowersShack . xyz – I received 4,500 new followers the first day, and now average around 20 new followers per hour, still!

  20. Md. Abdur Rahim says

    If you want more followers, just use www. FollowersShack . xyz real Instagram followers, fast delivery.

  21. Kaushik govindarajulu gupta says

    I can get thousands of new Instagram followers from the tool that I use at www. FollowersShack . xyz

  22. Letty Cam says

    Yo lo quiero en español plox😫

  23. Denisse Mitchell says

    Hey I just bought your light presets! Thank you so much! Light is a part of my personal brand so I am happy that I can incorporate them into my photos!!

    FYI your website is a little messed up because when I wanted to click "checkout" your chat message box covered the checkout button. There's only about a 2-inch section where I can actually click the "checkout" button.
    Just wanted to let you know!

    And I learned so much from this video, I watched it like 4 times while I edited a picture of mine.

    Thanks again!

    May my Lord Jesus bless you and your beautiful work!

  24. Dana sleiman says

    How to edit like Mathew espanosa please

  25. karwan khidr says

    great work well done👏👏

  26. Sourav Karanjai says

    Do you drink tea or coffee in camera lens?

  27. YOU KNOW WHO says

    can you do a vid on the photographer @shotofelite ?? they are realy good but he uses warm tones and doesnt over edit! please!!

  28. Wally Aime says

    Am I the only one who noticed him say "Retouch-Ed"? 6:23

  29. kayla peters says

    Super cool man!

  30. Mohand Saw63 says

    You’re the best

  31. Sir0ja says

    изначально было отличное фото, для чего убил контраст, чтобы из плоской картинки заново рисовать?

  32. Paul Sculpturing says

    I'd like to see the editing that you shown on the thumbnail. Where is it?

  33. jomy10 says

    Me in the beginning: DUDE, your lens is on fire! … Oh, it's just a mug.

  34. El Buho de Papel says

    one like @harisnukem!

  35. Hmara styl says

    contct me …0304-5757964

  36. Graphics Channel says

    Graphics Channel

  37. zoubir fatih says

    great one thank u , maybe u can do a tutorial about @valentinburneau style he is damn amazing !

  38. Mahnoor Truffles says

    Please please please do Daniele Pompsoiello @interph_one and @xenia.lau they’re toooooo goooood

  39. Georgie Willis says

    What editing program are you using?

  40. Juan Medina says

    Do one editing like Sean Archer!

  41. Rasan Kaled says

    Its great us kurds seeing someone so creative in photoshop and other adobe apps,keep up the good work man❤️

  42. Lovely Prience says

    you Use Adobe Photoshop Please Link

  43. Lovely Prience says

    Bro Photoshop Ka link Plz plz

  44. coco lauren says

    i wish i can do this, I’m a beginner don’t know anything I don’t even know how to get this editing tools

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