Ridiculous School Rules #3: No Photos Of Men Allowed!


I never got into trouble because of this rule as back then I wasn’t the type who’d have their family photo in their wallet. I actually had a holographic picture of Naruto instead (my cringy weeb phase😅) Somehow they were cool with 2D boys 😂

My younger sister, however, did face some issues. You see, she’s this wannabe “holy” human being. So being Catholic, it’s common practice in my family to have a photo of a saint or Jesus in the wallet. So my sister had a photo of Jesus in hers and during spot check sessions there’d be prefects who actually wouldn’t know the usual image of Jesus (long hair and beard). Then my sister would have to explain to them that it’s Jesus to avoid getting an offense slip…yea…😂

Oh and I tried to word things properly in the video with the type of men these girls were interested in but I’m gonna be honest, I still find labels confusing so I hope I didn’t offend anyone…


Intro & Outro:
NeoRock 78 “Speed King” by Kouichi Morita (Maoudamashii)

Main BGM:
おさるのわくせい Monkey Banana by TOGA (Dova Syndrome)

Other Music:
Beelzebub Ritual Dance (Episode 44 “I must become stronger”

Gintama Sneezing Scene

Take the wave by Naifu

Gintama OST 8: Hatsujouki Desuka Konoyaro

U Got That by Halogen

Sweet Home Alabama by Lanyard Skynyrd

  1. Taxi says

    WKSKMSJENSM your little cartoon self is so cute im screaming

  2. wolfie cookie says

    It still a rule (O_O)

  3. milky peach says

    This is what my school sound like

  4. mekalunia says

    I also come from an all girls school, and girls really were starving for male attention. Sometimes in ceremonies, a girl dressed as a boy and suddenly she was the hottest guy and everything she did would get screams from the audience.

  5. Lan Tian Si Xian says

    Plot twist: The aunty’s sons are gey…
    A perfect BL story

  6. cute cat says

    Oh cool are you from Malaysia!

  7. WONDERland_of HOPE says

    “no photos of men”
    me: so if I went to ur school… I couldn’t bring my HOSEOK PHOTOCARDS???
    Im Korean tho

  8. ConnorTheConArtist says

    Josh, one question. Do you think you are part of the animation story time community, or not?

  9. Lea Cernikova says

    Is there also: Ridiculous School Rules #1? I can not find it :/

  10. Paloma Mendez says

    I love how you implement gintama into your videos 💖💖💖

  11. Stella Sarin says

    Just related so much when you said their behavior around boys seemed childish. People in my elementary school were dating in the 5th grade and this one girl had a drama started because a guy actually cheated on her apparently plus some other stuff (she also send he kept starting drama again when all she did was talk about it). Basically, it was a whole thing and I never liked her anyway. Some other people dated, that SAME girl who got "cheated" on ended up kissing another boy on the last day of school or the day before I believe. This stuff didn't make them seem exactly childish, I mean usually it was just typical stuff like someone said they shipped me with another person or they held hands uwu, that's what was childish. But the whole cheating and stuff made them seem stupid because they wouldn't tell a teacher and continued to complain. Just ahsjejdnrrn

  12. Distances Awake says

    They were going to sacrifice him.

  13. Nat Yung says

    I thought you were a boy

  14. MoonlightSky says

    6:38 I died at that lmao

  15. Crystal Shine128 says

    Yo! I'm from Indonesia, anyone Indonesia too here?

  16. some body says

    eat each others faces😂😂😂😂

  17. Nana Banana says

    Love the video

  18. Katie Bee says

    The Alabama part I’m dying XD

  19. Tommy Bridge says

    You radiate the power of ghei no offense but I hope your family accepted you

  20. Tommy Bridge says

    Omg you're Malaysian too!

  21. Yusuffu says

    Are you indonesian? Or malaysia?

  22. juraida jais says

    Are you malaysian?

  23. XxkillerslumberXx X says

    Can you tell the story of how your mother found out you were binding

  24. alexis M says

    I don't mind your long videos😂
    I enjoy every second of it😊

  25. Caito Shion says

    He look like maya

  26. Rikoliz Pollie says

    which is actually pretty stupid because even if it was an accident they'd still get detention/punished

  27. AshFlash says

    What country is she from? I'm just curious. She has a beautiful voice.

  28. Zeno Salazar says

    2:03 Hey is that The Alchemyst of The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flammel? I love that series!

  29. Suck My Agust D says

    "They were WHITE boys" 😂😂

  30. Rin-V-Spade ♤ says

    😂 wtf

  31. Your_ Fan says

    I'm so lucky that i didn't go to all girls school, after all I'm lesbi.

  32. silverjadearianrhod says

    I went to an all-girls junior high school and it was the same deal.

  33. Alyssa Jakielek says

    I mean you could have put a pic of an actual Apple pie…like you could brush it off as Just really liking pies

  34. Toasty says

    My goodness I would watch and hour long video from you. Don’t feel bad, your actually entertaining and you give me something to do

  35. Sasha Nathan says

    You did it! It’s 10 mins and 36 secs!!!!!!! 😁

  36. Sweet Bananas says

    I like your accent, where are you from?

  37. Kokichi Ouma says

    brings picture of my family aka my father, mother and myself

  38. Gacha_ Cookie says

    Is that….is that a bakugou I see?

  39. Brooke Moreno says

    the sweet home Alabama joke tho. also, i love you're videos. :0

  40. Lina Dielefeld says

    When you were talking about Apple pie I had to think about my crush. She's such an Angel♥️

  41. Naorin Kurusu says

    There needs to be an anime between the two aunties and their sons lol XDD

  42. Nikki Studios101 says


  43. Quirkless Star says

    I saw a bakugou

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