Review of PortaitPro Portrait Photo Editing and Retouching Program


Weekly Video News Blog and Reviews for Nov 25, 2018
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In this video I look at PortraitPro, the best Portrait Editing program I have ever tried.

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This weekly video blog is dedicated to news and events of interest to users of Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, CorelDRAW, and related programs. Each week I will be bringing you current news of what is happening in the world of digital photography and graphics.

This is just one of my numerous online videos. You can view more videos in these YouTube Playlists:

Adobe Photoshop Elements Essentials

Photoshop Photo Retouching



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video and description copyright 2018 George Peirson all rights reserved

Please watch: “How To Photoshop Elements Effects Transparency Technique on a Glass Jar Tutorial 2019 2018 15 14 13”


  1. Todd Prior says

    They have a program for landscapes as well don't they??

  2. MrMoonpie001 says

    A couple of additional goodies, use coupon code HOWH-AYXI-ZSAL-WYMV for an additional 15% off this makes the standard version only $38.20! Use the money you saved to try something at George's store , you will not regret it!!! The product also has a downloadable manual once you unlock at their web site!



  3. MrMoonpie001 says

    George, for me this is more than just a great program, it is God send!!! I picked up a whole studio of equipment from a photographer who wanted to start a business shooting weddings. Now some 5 years later, that idea is long gone and she needed the money for a new house more. There is well over $4000 of equipment (crop sensor not full frame Nikon and 4 lens) cases, backdrops and lights for $800!!! I sold the duplicate camera body on Ebay for $350 so I am out very little to be what I got in return. My favorite shooting is wildlife and landscape, however my dysfunction is portrait and involves how to make women look better. Heck I do not know square one on how to put on makeup so how am I to edit a female portrait? I watched some videos on the subject on Kelby1 but really did nothing for me as far as learning. If "I ran a class on makeup", I would pick a guy out of crowd and make him do a makeover like a women would need on himself….LOL…oh what a learning experience that would be!!!!! So I basically have put portraiture on the back burner as a whenever project. Now with this program, I can reload my thinking and deal with it. The program walks you through and lets you see nondestructive preview of what works and what does not!!! I will be buying this one!! Thanks for the review!!! I also can not wait to see your next project!! I love doing the cards or long edits, you learn so much by doing them.

    Thank you again for all you do!!!


  4. Andrew Bennett says

    Really good demonstration. I can do a lot of this in Capture One, but like you said of PS… It takes a LONG time. I might go ahead with this. Did you find that it works reasonable will with full body shots? Not a show stopper if not; just setting my own expectations.
    And with my apologies to you as a Photoshop embassador, I do like the color better out of C1; but it could simply be that I'm better trained with it.
    Thank you,

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