3 Creative Street Photography ideas tested on DJI Osmo Action Camera!


Creative ideas for your next street photography shoot. Tested on a DJI Osmo Action camera – how good is the Osmo Action for photos? Photography ideas to take better photos!
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  1. Pierre T. Lambert says

    Do YOU have creative ideas for my next shoot?! Let me know below!!
    Come say hi on Instagram! https://instagram.com/pierretlambert 🙂
    ▹ The Camera Filters I use: https://pierretlambert.com/actionfilters (or https://amzn.to/31brojA USA)
    ▹ Catch up on the videos: Taking Photos in an Airport Last Minute with a GoPro: https://youtu.be/Q8UWAOspwX0
    ▹ is the Trinity of lenses worth it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9U0fE0mC54

  2. you think clever says

    Era of gopro is ends !!!

  3. Roberto Andrássy says

    Hello Pierre, how are you? I wanted to ask you where you could buy the glasses for the waitress?

  4. jjonestowne says

    Woah, those are fantastic! I'm pretty impressed by these little cameras. I guess they're getting better all the time.

  5. Right Turns And Leftovers says

    Thanks Pierre for another fun video. I really enjoy all of your tips and tricks and really appreciate you sharing your experience

  6. Klavsash says

    Interesting. I like the thought of going smaller with a remote shutter release. The more discreet the camera the more likely a subject will react to the camera and change the intended shot.

  7. CEEPEE says

    Which City is this?

  8. ThaWord says

    Good video! 🙂

  9. Марго Кръстева says

    Your videos are great!!

  10. John D. Dela Rosa says

    That darn birds! Haha! Congrats on your 80k! Energetic as usual, Pierre. I love your shots btw. Keep it up!

  11. smita vinchurkar says

    What have you put your camera on? Is that a monopod?

  12. spacemaster17 says

    Great informative video, keep it up

  13. Ethan Sim says

    Very informative. I am just getting into photography and I appreciate your passion in it

  14. Noealz Photo says

    send me some of that motivation, I need it to make videos ㅠㅠ

  15. Sanjay M Ranavaya says

    Awesome video….. Keep posting…….( mine is 40th comment )………….

  16. Jim Bailey says

    Thank you Mr Lambert

  17. T4m3ryn 9163 says

    For a challenge do a :
    'Taking photos with a drone without flying challenge'

  18. nimmira says

    I really wish filters would be magnetic for DSLR lenses as well -_- But Alas… we must squander money on various diameters and step-up and step-down rings. Not having a burst mode on this camera seems a disadvantage, but I guess it is dedicated to "adventurers" more, who would like to record videos more than shooting photos maybe?
    As I'm typing this, there are various ideas at the back of my head… like, what's the fastest shutter speed? Would it work for high-speed photography? Is it workable with lighting systems (speedlites mainly)? I've never used any of those before really.
    Ideas to shoot next? How about focusing on low angles? Focusing on sun-rays (guess that requires shooting by sunrise or sunset)?

  19. Craig Taylor-Broad says

    I always think it's great how energetic and happy you seem in all your videos

  20. DiscoverWithDima says

    Interesting shots! I was just in the city this past weekend. I think I'll be getting the HERO7 myself, I find the quality is better actually! Great video!

  21. Sparky's Cove says

    Awesome photo's! Awesome review! What do you think of the DJI Osmo's video capabilities with the ND filter's? Next video?
    Yes, I recently bought ND filter's for my GoProHero5. I decided on B+W's, but that is only because I bought a cage for my GoProH5Black, and the thread's on the cage are the same as my DSLR's nifty-fifty lens. I have a B+W CPL filter for the 50mm lens too. I bought the cage for my GPH5 because, it also has an add on to house the mic adaptor block which keep's it neat and tidy now. I tried it out to motovlog with and the first go at it, I should have just used the 3 stop ND filter without stacking a 2 stop on it. I will test it out more tomorrow, and also vlog with it on the gimbal. I tried using my iPhone 7 plus on my gimbal and it was a fail on the Crane-M, but the GPH5 is fabulous to balance on the gimbal.
    I REALLY like what the DJI Osmo can do, and I think I might wait it out till the 2nd gen. is released. Being able to walk and talk while doing selfie's must be easier on that DJI. I am invested in GPH5 now and depending on how life goes, I might add on a GPH7 later on this year. When motovlogging, couldn't have too many action cam's.

  22. Beniyov says

    11:43 the GoPro hyperlapse isn't super smooth. it's hypersmooth 😂 sry but I just had to say that 😄

  23. Javier Mendez Photography says

    I want that camera so bad

  24. Zulf Photography says

    Great video thumbnail for this one. Always great to see new creative ideas. Keep them coming.

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