Sunny Leone Wedding Pic With Daniel Weber


Sunny Leone Wedding Pic With Daniel Weber

Sunny Leone and husband Daniel Weber are celebrating their seventh wedding anniversary today. In the morning, an anniversary post arrived from the actress and it carried a wonderful message for Daniel.

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  1. Raman Deep says

    Fake ass Punjabi bitch

  2. aziz urrehman says

    wedding ka time pa dress phena howa ta ? yaqeen nahi hota

  3. ISLAMO BEN says

    ha ha ha ha

  4. rajneesh singh says

    Don't discuss about prostitute

  5. Surabhi Chakrabarty says

    Sunny you are very Swett and a good human being. Love you. You are my inspiration

  6. Chandu Singh says

    Lv u sunny always a good mother & a good wife

  7. md amd says

    Punjabi kudi hai, garam khoon hota hai.

  8. Huzefa Dg says

    Madrchod kit ne ke lund lek randi sali kar li

  9. K. Singh says

    Waheguru maaf kari. Is kuri nu.


    O thats gd

  11. Abhi G says

    Honeymoon video bhi full reel upload kr doh….inhen farak nhi parega…

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