Everyone wants to be popular on Instagram and share the best photos with friends. To increase your followers, you need to post cool photos to get more likes. Have you ever wondered why some photos go viral? Everyone has the chance to go viral these days but you should know secret tips that will help. Check out tips on how to shoot awesome photos that will go viral without expensive cameras and editing software.
You will be surprised but people usually look heavier on photos. But you can easily appear thinner by wisely choosing outfits and poses. Check out our tutorial on how to look skinnier on photos. As a bonus, check out how to make your legs skinnier choosing the right pose.
We know how to take perfect shots with minimum efforts! Photographing jumping people has been a trend in photography recently, but it became boring as most of Instagram users used it for millions of times. We share new tips on how to make jumping photographs more attractive.
You can use your phone camera for amazing photographic effects: use m&m to make a cool photo, check out how to make a group photo without special tools, how to make underwater photos.
Check out a collection of ideas that will help your videos and photos become viral! You will learn the magic behind cool shots. If you want to make a cool shop. Puddles are very useful and the reason is that they have reflections. You can capture amazing reflection photos using puddles or you can pour some water.

00:22 Romantic photo idea
03:02 How to make viral videos
04:49 Photographing puddle reflections
07:18 Photo prank idea

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  1. ART MASTER says

    My dream is to get 1000 subscribers on my channel but sadly no one cares 😒😒😒😭

  2. Rayyan The hero says

    Any Indians?

  3. Lamees Rahman says

    Her eyes at the end the bile and brown it so pretty

  4. AlexHCG says

    ich bin fett und ich bin stolz

  5. Wan Aqiff says

    3:53 people: crazy
    Me: want to be a flash

  6. Ella Michaelsen says

    This is where people got their Tik tok ideas

  7. ROCKY888 ROCKY888 says


  8. Kuldeep Bhushan says

    Kuldeep Bhushan

  9. emmie lazatin says

    This looks dumb

  10. Maximus says

    Why people live in internet not in real life? Sick times at now ;/

  11. Felix Poncho says

    Not u

  12. Felix Poncho says

    Wow kid

  13. marcel-igor desanglois says

    A 1:04 sur la porte il y s rien et ensuite il y a des mains

  14. Mobile Gaming says

    C L I C K B A I T

  15. ricardo martinez says

    Me dio una idea πŸ˜πŸ˜…

  16. Lily Mahsbsuahshzb says

    At 10:21 she has different eye color🀭😯

  17. gaming says

    How can we take these kind of picture if we dont have enough friends

  18. Amirra Abdillah says


  19. Im Dad Jake says

    click bait alert click bait

  20. Angel Angel says

    10.22 her eyes are diffierent

  21. lordziakowska 6594 says


  22. Deniss Boacana says

    You are in Russia

  23. Rakesh Pandey says

    Make this blue
    πŸ‘‡ If you love your both mom and dad

  24. Zakarius Watkins says

    Cool but be cooler

  25. Tyrese Cruickshank says

    @10:21 she's got two different eye colours

  26. 3124561 says

    Yg di sini indo mana suaranya

  27. lakis .23 says


  28. pika Games says


  29. Isabella Ahrenst says

    Im not like green hair.

  30. Nabil ACR 363 says

    Ayam goreng atau ayam goreng atau tidak suka menunggu hal yg paling banyak di luar sana yg lebih baik. Aku tidak bisa. Tapi kalau dah jodoh tak ke rumah sakit, , aku tidak akan

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