You NEED to be printing your photos!! Here's why..


NEW! Lightroom PRESET PACK: – Edit your photos with 15 brand new presets!
Colour Graded with my PM LUTS Pack :
The Music I use: – AMAZING for YouTubers
My Crazy high Res Printer :

What’s up guys!! Have you ever wondered if you should be printing your own photos? Even sending them off to a lab? Not nearly as many people today are printing or sending away for prints – but they SHOULD BE! There are plenty of benefits when it comes to printing your own images that I think will make you a better photographer.

Hope you guys enjoy this epode, and I look forward to sending one of you guys a one of a kind original print!

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My MAIN Camera –
My FAVOURITE Lens Ever –
The Magic Canon Lens of Life –
The Mic I use –
My Drone –
The stabilizer I use with iPhone :
The BEST monopod –
GoPro HERO 5 –
My Super Awesome Tactical Camera Bag :


  1. Peter McKinnon says

    Home printing? Or Lab printing? Why?!

  2. David torres says

    That print is so freaking awesome it’s beautiful I wish u can make more recent videos cuz u really inspire me to keep on pushing forward to be a photographer I really whant to better my life ass well as my career as a photographer thank u Peter

  3. R H says

    I wish I could print my own photos, but reality is I don't have 2-3 thousand dollars to afford a printer, the ink required, and putting money aside for printer errors and ink mishaps.

  4. Techn' Moto says

    Im a beginner and I print my own stuff then frame it and hang it up on my walls. I find people enjoy viewing my stuff and I too enjoy viewing my favorite photos. Kinda brings me back to when the photo was taken. Peter as usual great info

  5. Philip Decker says

    The biggest thing I took from this is that, yes, the light does stay on when the door to the fridge is closed

  6. Arthur Morgan says

    You are far too young to have done darkroom work! Thanks for the tuition. Please give my print to the next student and bring mine next time you are in South Africa. Ta.

  7. Paul Enriquez-Goehring says

    I know that I'm way late on commenting on this video but that eagle thing would make a great video

  8. Aiden K. says

    This is z funniest video I have seen so far pete, thank you for z good laugh also for z tips, duhhπŸ™„πŸ˜‰

  9. Jonas Saario says

    Love your youtube centerpiece πŸ˜‰

  10. Honest Burglar says

    Have you used a instant film camera like a instax 300 or polaroid classic? Those are like the modern film cameras

  11. Ivar Eenink Romanenkova says

    Thanks for the video. You've inspired me to start printing my photo, which I actually never did before. I am a noob with photography, just trying around with my sony A camera and some prime lenses. Got some great portrets though I am proud of. I have no experience with Lightroom or photoshop or something simular. In my situation, could you stell recommend to buy such a printer? I was looking for a Canon Pro-100S. COuld you advise me?

    Ivar (from The Netherlands)

  12. Timothy Mathews says

    Step 1 the camera: shoot the photo step 2: the negative – Lightroom Step 3 The Print ala Ansel Adams book series translated to digital photography

  13. Paulius Gaivenis says

    too late for a print by you?

  14. Bok Griessel says

    I shal hang your print next to my own prints that you have just inspired me to do. Think about it, yeah I took the photo, but you are the sole reason I will be printing my work and hangin them in my home, right next to yours!! You are amazing buddy.

  15. Serious GaminG says

    Darkroom is now Lightroom πŸ˜‚

  16. Alvaro olague says

    A printed photo look awesome lol

  17. B. Baker says

    Yeah I printed a poster of my car that was very well exposed on my PC and very under exposed on the print haha

  18. Matrix Modulator says

    haha the yellow NY cabs picture xd

  19. Enfoque Fotografia Digital says

    Hey Peter, whp won your prints, those prints they should be priceless on 2019 lol, thanks for this video Man, my blessings.

  20. Nathan Cooper says

    I just moved to Melbourne and would love a print to put up in my new flat since it is looking bare at the moment!Β 
    It would give my room a bit of life and me a bit of motivation to get out shooting more often.

  21. Joshua Quarrell says

    I print for art shows mostly or for gifts :D. One day when I can I'll print my own.

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