Photography Lies You Tell Yourself (Picture This! Podcast)


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  1. Olaf Weyer says

    I don't need a tripod because I stay with MFT Olympus :p

  2. Search says

    Can anyone please tell me best camera for filmmaking under 700 bucks

  3. Randy Howell says

    Y’all are awesome. I learn something every time I watch one of your videos.

  4. Erwin Timmerman says

    "I'll just figure out how this gadget works when I'm on-site." Truth: I'll be fumbling with this gadget while great shots pass me by, finally throwing it aside and manually doing whatever the gadget was supposed to be doing. Then I tell myself I'll figure it out first thing when I get home 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Farhaan Tariq says

    @ about 50yrs of age, how you both have near flawless skin and health? please share the secret 😀

  6. Extra Terrestrial says

    Instagram is owned by Facebook, and I refuse to associate with that garbage.

  7. Gewglesux says

    3:03…. wow.. dude you gonna take that?

  8. Michael Wolfgram says

    Some of the lies I told myself were "I need new gear and that will make me better" … far from the damn truth. I actually invested in myself by going to seminars and workshops and I got so much better.

    Another lie I told myself "I dont need to calibrate my screen since the people viewing it wont know the difference" … when I first did a print of my wife and I thought it was a good shot and edit, when I went to the local professional printer (not a Walmart and their commie ways of life) they told me to stop warming up my photos before they would print them. I found out they were right. They deal with people that want quality over quantity and I am happy they told me about calibration when I first started out.

  9. slimphotog says

    10:27 I love Tony's new character, Pompous Photographer voice.

  10. nickgeomap says

    OK, so make a video about how to play the Instagram game. You guys obviously do it very well so you must know how. Key lesson I have learned is that fame generates likes, not skill.

  11. Terrence Howell Jr says

    Tony's lie before this podcast. "I can do this… I'm not that drunk." 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 JK.

  12. Stuart Green says

    Pizza is a vegetable has now been broadcast on the internet… this makes it true. Chelsea is the new speaker of truths, and I will celebrate by ordering a pizza tomorrow.

  13. Matt Angiono says

    LIE: It didn't happen unless I had a photo… Or I need to capture every epic moment before it is gone, and memory won' suffice…
    I had to learn to enjoy the moments that were spectacular when I didn't bring a camera. This is always tough, but I've finally learned to be in the moment and not need to capture it. Too many beautiful things happen to get lost trying to capture everything. Many moments are meant to be lived and no camera can ever really bring us back entirely. Sometimes, just be and enjoy 🙂
    Yet still I pull out my camera daily….

  14. Jamdi says

    Big lie :neh i dont need it ,i will buy it later …

  15. Ant Pruitt says

    Fun and factual video. Loved the discussion 😄

  16. Vishal Joshi says

    Firstly I would like to thank you guys for the amazing informative video. For a moment I thought you have read my mind. All were the lies that I had told myself at one point in my life. I always take my time to view your videos. My photography has greatly improved by watching your videos. Thanks again!

  17. Christopher Goetting says

    In few videos now Tony has been lit much brighter than Chelsea on this set. I hate being "that guy" but you may want to even it out.

  18. marianwhit says

    My lie…a little more saturation, no one will know. I love you guys, you crack me up so much in a difficult time in my life.

  19. nolen1957 says

    You missed the biggest lie, "People that make YouTube videos and write books about photography aren't really photographers."

  20. Smaakjeks K says

    -Tony's backpack is so heavy–?
    -How heavy is it!
    -It's so heavy that, like, I don't even know how heavy it is cos it's so heavy, that, I mean, scales have not been made that will… you had to be there, man.

  21. rotvonrat says

    Of course, you can build a large crowd of followers based on lies. Most Youtubers have been repeatedly proven in telling lies, coming up with facts that are not facts, but they are still successful. If you are dependent on the internet to become successful in life, you have already failed, just my opinion. In photography everything is a lie.

  22. Sergio DuBois says

    Chelsea, Tony has ideas about your paying off that Wild Life lens… also wondering why Tony didn’t admit the lie “he’s buying that lens for you (Chelsea)…” (all for you…)

  23. KMMOS1 says

    Another lie is "I don't have to learn how to draw … with perspective and shading and positional variations and … in charcoals, in pastels, in watercolors, in oils … so I can see accurate detail from different media as sharpened mechanical pencil drawings, architectural sketches, plans, colored presentation pieces, and, oh by the way, photographs of finished projects."

  24. Oliver Andrews says

    Sure Instagram likes are important if you're trying to get sponsorship or something, but people please be pragmatic about it and don't let yourselves slip into the mind set of taking photos for likes at the expense of your own enjoyment and personal style.

  25. Gizmo Photo says

    Heavy backpack = anti-theft?

  26. Eugene Smirnov says

    Oh! Guys, you're good!
    The picture is great, operator's work is so good, the rhythm is catched.. it's just a "Pro" work with tons of taste.


  27. Siemworks says

    Hmm,, but in the end the 70 200 2.8 ii canon paid for itself, it started the whole game 😀

  28. Cowboys 5 Group says

    Sony has horrible color and gamma reproduction.

  29. Dr Faustens says

    Yeah, the capacity for self deception is infinite.

  30. Andre Chen says

    There are a few moments when Tony is talking and you can see the look on Chelsea's face "Yeah dude, that's definitely you! You do this all the time" 🙂

  31. British Boxer says

    suprised you guys have ICE stories with Tony carrying around illegals…..oops…did i say something wrong? was joking…:)

  32. adss70 says

    So, in a nutshell what you are telling me is that the solution to all of these lies is to travel with Tony: the perfect photographers’ sherpa/porter 🙂

  33. Tony M says

    "People are mistaking skill for taste…" yep. What a great quote! Thank you!

  34. Peter De Keles says

    Your BEST podcast to date. Thanks (Not a lie)

  35. Peter De Keles says

    Tony get's "pssst"ed at 3:04 by Chelsea. Classic

  36. Nathan Gonzalez says

    My biggest lie was “if I buy this, I’ll be more motivated to go out shooting”.

  37. Riffswatch says

    So what you're saying is, when I think I'm getting good I can start lying to myself :-p

  38. joecrafted says

    Chelsea's comedic timing is always on point. "Pizza is a vegetable". I've def been guilty of the 'social media doesn't matter'. Need to refocus my IG back to portrait/model shooting. For me flickr (yes I still use it) is more of a broad range of my subject matter, and twitter is generally for my film shooting.

  39. The Emo Emu says

    "I don't need a tripod"
    I'm the reverse. I keep wanting to buy more tripods but have never used them.

  40. Legoman19892 says

    I feel like if my cellphone has more megapixels than my dslr, I should upgrade.

  41. Mars Aspen-Murray says

    Another lie: If I buy another photography book without reading it my photography will improve by osmosis.

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