Is THIS the Future of Landscape Photography?


We’re out and about this week and discuss what the future holds for landscape photography and the camera gear we use to capture it. I am also testing out a new set of lenses from Sandmarc that genuinely take your phone photography up several significant notches.

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Sandmarc Lenses –
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The below gear maybe of interest to you. They are affiliate links which means if you follow the link and decide to make a purchase the company gives me a small fraction of the sale which helps me to keep making these videos for free.

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Loupedeck+ Editing Console – 
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My Camera Gear

Canon 5D Mark IV – 
Manfrotto 055 Carbon Tripod – 
Manfrotto BeFree Carbon Tripod – 
Canon 16-35mm F/4 – 
Tamron 24-70mm – 
Canon 70-200mm – 
Canon 400mm – 
Canon 100mm L Macro – 

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  1. Danny Hodge says

    Sorry to hear the news mate, stay strong, keep making awesome videos!

  2. SandH GartCam says

    Oh wow… that’s terrible 😱😳😟

  3. MessyMarvin says

    For landscape photography the Pixel 3 blows the iPhone away. Portraits iPhone takes the win just a little.

  4. Gamer Nick says

    15:34 FM Photography comes with his own carry loop for easy storage!! 😛

    Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. The future is very bright right now and number one suggestion would be to periodically email university staff that specialise in DMD/ophthalmology to see if there are any new treatments/developments. Stay ahead of your doctor 😉

  5. BIG Stick says

    Then there will be no such thing as the Art of photography.
    Flickr is loaded with some fine photos taken by many unknowns, some are absolutely stunning.

    At this point it's pretty much close to dead as far as what was once a small list of professionals.
    Do we still look up to the masters of light that inspired us in the first place?
    I was stunned on how many young people think Black and White Photography is boring?
    To much manipulated special effects and not enough truth of the subject involved.
    But that's my personal opinion.

  6. guilherme teixeira says

    You can also try the moment gear and app

  7. Melissa Hall says

    Sorry to hear about that diagnosis, but just talk to your eyes and command then to stay healthy. They will! Our cells listen and respond. I'm an RN and from what I've seen over the last 11 years I'm convinced so much of the power of our minds! Just keep talking to your body. Thank you so much for your videos!!

  8. Steve Bearman says

    Mine is wet macular…I have had to use magnifying accessories for my D810. It has greatly affected my photography. But no know what? It isn't stopping me! I'm going to get a fuji x-t30, just for the EVF and autofocus touch screen…My right eye is gone but if I can see, even peripheral, I'm going to keep shooting! Hang in there Bud

  9. ELTIN JONES says

    How frightening – hopefully it will never happen.
    Saw this Vlog on my phone a couple of weeks ago but couldn't reply.
    Just keep up the effort. My wife has a serious illness (under control at the moment but a lot of medication).
    I know that she worries more about the family's problems than her's.
    Cheers E

  10. Ady Holland says

    Hard luck brother

  11. Photo Pilot says

    Wishing you all the best mate, love your Vlogs, I approached Huawei about branching out in to filters etc, something they was interested. Do you know if they have long exposure filters out yet for mobiles

  12. Jason Durrant says

    Awwww man that's so tough, hoping all the best for you.

  13. The Full Shilling says

    One great human being!
    Lovely vid, Beautifully produced. You bring light into lives.
    I hope God reciprecates. Very best wishes for the future.

  14. Dennis Boosey says

    Thanks fella, my pics will be codak instermatic phoroes compared to yours, but one day, i will get that perfect shot that i can print out in an a3 and hang it on my wall. I use a canon eos 70d camera, and a mac 27 inch 5k screen moniter to do my post ed8tinh. And i dont use autto on my camera, unless i am a bit unsure off settings.we dont oive too far away from where you did your vlog. Wish i could take photoes as good as yours.

  15. ian ball says

    Well there will be an eye ball camera tgat is better then your normal sight. Maybe you could look into this and compare it to photography. Try world wide companies , even those working on AI's. That means you get the best out of every thing. Travel photograph combind with research around the world in eye sight and AIs. Theres a massive amount of info out there but you could go tge companies. What better way could they be. You could make a scientific difference and more people will look into it and that means more funds for reasearch. Win win all the way.

  16. Dennis Boosey says

    Like the vlog. I am registered blind, but i hace a little sight, and i am able to and enjoy taheing photoes. I do get a few nasty fomment from pple who see me out wity my guid dog, then they see metetting my famera out lol.

  17. Peter Paska says

    Adam, get rid of carbohydrates, start drinking leafy green vegetable juice and check out 'epigenetic'. You can change your diseases (even if is rear) changing your environment. Praying and sending love to you.

  18. Blind Not Broken says

    I was diagnosed with wet and dry at 19 years old back in 1996. I know it’s hard man, but there’s a way to do anything. Just takes a creative approach. I just got back into photography a couple years back thanks to technology. I’m not great, but I love trying. Currently shooting on A7r3 tethered to an iPad and I edit on a 55” 4K monitor. Family and I are heading to London and the up to hike the west highland way in June. Hope to get some good shots.

    Best of luck. Like my handle says, “You May be blind, but you’re not broken.”

  19. Matrick Galius says

    Future? Picture with a phone? Seriously?

  20. LordArioh says

    no matter how good is your gear, it will never replace a photographer.

  21. Sharyn Veivers says

    I hear exactly where your coming from. I've been diagnosed with the same, and I'm quite young as well, the opto's where very surprised. Hang in there and enjoy everything you do! Good luck!

  22. Martin Lewis says

    Hope all goes well for future, only issue with phone and in your pocket is dust or scratches on lens. Great for out and about when not got your Dslr D850

    Also i have lightroom CC but using the mobile ver on ipad, i can’t find any options for gradient tool?

  23. Simply Human says

    Sorry about your eye condition. I suggest you watch Dr Michael Greger videos on health and diet. He will recommend you stop eating meat, dairy, and eggs and instead eat non processed food, fresh plant-based food and lots of flax seeds. Doing this will stop progression of macular degeneration. There are other channels that will provide additional info.

  24. Thomas Pinches says

    The small white flowers are called Stitchwort (Greater Stitchwort). They're everywhere at this time of year in Devon. Good luck with the eyes mate – even in worst case scenario your life will change but you adapt and find new things to give you pleasure.

  25. Kennynva says

    Hello..i am very sorry to hear of your condition…I dont know you but I do care about you and everyone when it comes to medical problems..I know how you feel….it's always nagging at the back of you conscience that this happened to you…everyone thinks things wont happen to them..but they do. You have a nice setup there, and enjoy everyday like there is no tomorrow…

  26. Villiam Hansen says

    Too much talk and boring music. Had to stop after 2 minutes. I saw photography in the title, but the joke was on me. Click bait and unfollowed.

  27. Donnie Darko says

    Living in the present is the hardest thing in life to do. We all regret the past and worry about the future; living in the now is the difficult part.

  28. greysponge66 says

    So sorry man to hear about your condition and hope that a cure is found soon. Just don't loose hope and try to adapt to whatever life throws at you. I have experienced first hand loved ones who have lost sight. Although admittedly not an easy experience, there is a lot that can still be done if (God forbid) the worst comes to the worst.

  29. Photography Enthusiast says

    One more payed video about useless shit. Thumbs down.

  30. fifisboy says

    Really enjoyed ur video mate, are there also versions for Samsung and other phones too?

  31. Thomas Hedlund says

    All the best to you!

  32. Andy Pierce says

    As you get older you start to realise very few people are trouble free, it must be difficult news to take but here's hoping you have decades of good sight left and that medical advances can help. On using phones as cameras, I don't think they'll ever replace a proper camera.

  33. TwoHandUke says

    Hi Adam, sorry to hear of your diagnosis and wish you well. I have been hooked to your videos for some time now and sorry to hear your news. I live way up north and have been trying to find a bluebell field for some time. I know this is near Roseberry Topping but how do you find this location and parking etc. I am travelling down south this weekend and would love to visit it. Warm regards, THU.

  34. SloDays says

    Thanks for this video. I got some of those lens as a gift and didn't pay much attention to them. Time for a closer look. Also at Lightroom mobile. All the best. Cheers.

  35. nigel west says

    I know what you are going through, 7 years ago i suffered an acute angle closure glaucoma attack, in the space of 2 days I went from perfect vision to sitting in the hospital while they battled to save my vision, one botched operation later I have very limited vision in one eye and pretty good vision in the other, but some of the doctors seem to delight in telling me it's only a matter of time 🙁 unfortunately i also suffer from raging Tinnitus, so as you can imagine I have some wonderful nightmares where i am totally cut off from the world 🙁 Keep your chin up mate, At least we have a few years under our belts, Some don't even make it past childhood…

  36. I will keep you in my prayers, just stay positive.

  37. Kevin Johnson says

    I am sorry to learn of your diagnosis. Here's hoping for the long range prognosis! I know that my photo problem…er…hobby has caused me to never take for granted those things I see through the lens.

  38. Kilian Schoenenberger says

    Wow! I wish you all the luck there is! Keep up the good work 🙂 Kilian

  39. Ron White says

    For the price of the iPhone and lenses I could buy a camera kit, phone and have change. However I get where you're coming from as lugging a DSLR (slr) is an arse ache.

  40. sko19sko says

    All the best, Adam! I am a huge fan of your work.

  41. Richard Stollar says

    The prospect of going blind scares me – I have lived with eye problems all my life but not as serious as what you're facing. Thanks for sharing as your emotions really showed through when you did. Love the channel and if you ever think of visiting Bulgaria then let me know – some wonderful scenery here for you.

  42. Steven Harte says

    Part I: Wow, feel for you with your eye condition, especially since you are a photographer. Just sent up a prayer that your condition is curable or at least can be brought under control. Be well, my friend! Part II: Great feedback about the ability of today's smartphones to do a decent job photographically. I continually remind myself of the brilliance of these devices. I tend to look to my mirrorless camera as the tool for photography, but all the while, the smartphone is taking leaps and bounds to make it in parts, superfluous.

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