Free Download After Effects CC Album Template


Download by free this beautiful album for create your photo gallery or slideshow. Completed entirely inside After Effects CC. Perfect for your Photo Family Gallery. Suitable also for travel pictures, anniversary, birthdays, party, wedding, etc,. This template only open with after effects CC, and don´t have universal expressions. The original language is english, so if you don´t want to have problems with the expressions, use an after effects CC in english.

This template was create using the background music as reference, but it´s not included. You can purchase here:

All pictures in preview video are under Creative Commons license and can be found it here:

Fonts used are free and can be download here:

Font for text intro (Used thin, not regular):

Font used in photos:

Also Is included a video tutorial explaining how to customize this template.

You can use this after effects template for create your private works and commercials works, but you are not allowed to sell this template, or distribute in any way. All rights reserved by e-soundtrax.

Please, take a moment and click “like” button.

Download link for template and video tutorial:



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  1. Anton Perez says

    Thank you, you are very kind to share this to the world.

  2. Pino Gonzalez says

    por favor como podria descargar me este trabajo me gustaria regalarselo a mi padre por que esta enfermo y quisiera hacerle un video especial como es este muchas gracias

  3. - BiOHZRD - says

    its working nice thank you very much

  4. Thank you for share this.


    not is free ( no es gratis)

  6. kim muhajirlar says

    Download adrs ?

  7. Grecia Moreno says

    gracias! excelente album

  8. TRENDY TECH says

    Please add tutorial how i edit it…. 💗💗💗😘💗😘🎥

  9. Luu Hoang Khac - MKT says

    thank you for upload this teamplate,

  10. rodrigo campos says

    buen dia, como hago para descargar la plantilla?

  11. Elaine1221 Yew says

    got after effects template

  12. Videosjpe says

    Muchas gracias…

  13. Visha Gupta says

    It said that the template is free but the link is asking for price.

  14. Mike Hale says

    all photo frames are portrait is there anyway to change it to landscape thanks


  16. Morena Leiva says

    gratis donde consigo??

  17. Ángel Rodríguez says

    Gracias y descargado

  18. Moumni Kamel says


  19. iPanque says

    Esta plantilla funciona para CS4??

  20. Hanadi Abdalla says

    says free download yet the link says purchase. What is this? a freaking joke?

  21. Anubhav Rawat says

    does it works on cs6?

  22. Drama Digital says

    Nice Work

  23. Paulo Henrique says

    Thank you <3 You made my day happy.

  24. nalgazo says

    How do I get it for windows 7 when I download it it says for mac

  25. Gely Ruiz says

    Good afternoon sorry I'm confused could you tell me which is the link to download the template, please

  26. Florencia Milena Jimenez says

    Thank you very much. I really appreciate your work

  27. Jessica Ferretiz says

    excelente plantilla te agradezco, en caso de querer poner más fotos de las 31, es posible de alguna forma?

  28. Yimy Lasteros Vasquez says

    gracias mi hermano ya me suscribí!!!

  29. Pedro Bernaola says

    Gracias por tu diseño. Pero cuando lo abro me sale un error con unas lineas de comando que tienen q ver la opacidad. Sale q no existe la opcion checkbox. Ayudame. Es para mi hermana, por su cumple. grcias

  30. luis sanchez says

    no deveria decir libre descarga si no es realmente de descarga gratis

  31. igvin linares says

    como hago para descargar esta plantilla ayuda

  32. Fages Mario says

    Thank You…beautiful!!!!

  33. Alexis Fuentes says

    ES solo para MAC…! y pagué un dolar… fatal

  34. Jorge Rivera says

    Hi, I buy the template, but I cant find the plingins like, "Golden Summer¨, "Vintage", "Instagram", "Leaks", Particles", Lens Flare", so the composition its to bright with out this filters, can you help me to fix it, or what I can do because the final master it seems to be with lot of opacity.

  35. Thiago Oliveira says

    this is note free template ."

  36. Nobert Mapfoche says

    can l add a video on this template

  37. Thinh Huynh says

    How much win? tks

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