EYES!!!! EVERYWHERE!!!!! (FGTEEV gets GURKEY w/ Chase, Shawn & Mike)

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Be an FGTEEVER ➡ & Get the Merch ➡ … FGTEEV Duddy is busy getting beat up by Granny so the boys takeover and play Eyes, a crazy vampire chasing game like Granny, Slendrina and other jumpscare games!

Beba Ba Leep Bop Beleeda Bop Pllllhhh!
📺Our Family/Vlog channel, FUNNEL VISION:

📺Our Toy Channel: DOH MUCH FUN:

📺Family Friendly Youtube Gaming Channel, FGTEEV:

📺Skylander Boy and Girl Channel:


FGTeeV is a Family Gaming Channel of 6 people. Dad is known as FGTEEV Duddy & Mom, well, we call her whatever but sometimes it’s Moomy. They have 4 children, Chase, Mike, Lex & Shawn! We play all sorts of games, Thanks for checking us out.


LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty Free Music & Content by audiomicro.com epidemicsound.com videoblocks.com incompetech.com bensound.com jinglepunks.com

  1. Alex Lo says

    Eye is so Scary Don’t Play That!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Run

  2. Roma Quinto says

    Kill this love

  3. Sophie Kornegay says

    Eyes: no headed kid or something

    Read more

  4. Dhona Riza Ursua says

    I saw a eye

  5. keila anderson says

    You missed an eye

  6. Takilla Diggs says


  7. N2 Cat Crew says

    Poltergeist was in the movie and eye horror game poltergeist

  8. janicka Jones says

    I didn't play this before but I didn't got out but can you get if you had a hat when you can celebrate

  9. UnicornGaming! says

    why is your daddy is being beat up

  10. Herman Marquez says

    When shawn sees this video he will know what you said

  11. psych0solider says

    No ducks can not play games

  12. Sollehashams Shams says

    Click this button if you agree to make more eyes video

  13. A Shah says


  14. Karly Morey says


  15. Big B says


  16. jovannira rosario says


  17. Atlanta’s Tea Time TV says

    I soo a eye

  18. Jona Jona says

    i played it and i downloaded it i play it it didnt scary too much its a little freaky but i escape

  19. Lilian says

    You forgot to say gurkey

  20. Lilian says

    Never look into the eyes…………………………………….hehehe

  21. yorika martinez says

    Watch snarled its HORROR

  22. Nataly Blues21 says

    That was so gurkey that I pooped my pants

  23. Ernesto Migrino says

    The exit is right near the sters in the first floor

  24. Nathan Cianciotto says


  25. Nova Osborn says

    it said season 7 arrives tomorrow

  26. Nova Osborn says

    i subscribed to your how chanw

  27. Economy Sealcoat says


  28. John Foster says

    shawn is so cute.and cool

  29. luz maria miranda says

    She only gets chicens and people who are haveing babys

  30. luz maria miranda says

    And is your prson haveing a baby

  31. luz maria miranda says

    She is a legean in jipan

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