Urban Photography for Beginners


Learn 7 unique styles for urban photography! I partnered with Canon using their EOS M50 to explore New York City’s Financial District (FiDi) and shoot street photos, rooftop long exposures, helicopter cityscapes and more!

Canon EOS M50:

This video wouldn’t have been possible without these incredibly talented humans, so go check out their work!

Music by Baseball Greg:
Cinematography by Mike:

Check out my comprehensive beginner photography course!

Get Photoshop and Lightroom:
Go-to DSLR:
Super Lightweight Photo Tripod:
Mini Flexible Tripod:
Best, Cheapest Lens You Need:
Killer Telephoto Lens:
Cheap Fisheye Lens:
Amazing Wide Angle Lens:
All Purpose Zoom Lens:
Video Mic:
Polaroid Camera:
External Hard Drive:

For more camera equipment + review, scope

Photo Site:
Buy prints of my best photos!

  1. Glasgow in Bits says

    Nice tips, good job

  2. JAMES_d says

    Your videos are really helpful

  3. mark dalbello says


  4. Divi Photos says

    Cool video

  5. Kevin Serrano says

    Love your videos bro!!!

  6. Bermia Evora says

    Did you need a permit to use the tripod at the oculus?

  7. Michael Nylif says

    Nice Video!

  8. Omkar Khandagale says

    Can we do another review?

  9. Erik E. Rodriguez says

    Bro you should do a meet up in NYC where all skill lvl photographer go out to shoot together

  10. Daily Street Photography says

    Keep shooting man. Take the comments constructively

  11. qtravelers says

    Love love seeing all your photos. New York looks like a dream when you photograph it.

  12. Robert McDaniel says

    Great shots. Loved the trash. Do u set the camera ‘s white balance on auto for all these shots?

  13. Wissenswert says

    Jo josh. Do you remember this skatetuber from years ago, francesco something? I know you liked him back then. Do you happen to still know his channel-name?

  14. Victor Chavez says

    This camera quality is clean

  15. Josh Winiarski says

    Love the vibe to these videos. Also it's so cool to see you doing all this work with canon, keep it up!

  16. Kodi says

    Me: [*Goes out to take some pictures of trash*]

    [*Takes 5 selfies*] Alright, that's neat.

  17. Sds518 says

    still no skateboarding, L artsy boi

  18. Anonymous Balkan says

    i love it

  19. Maxwell Rayner says

    Do i need a filter for long exposures ?!

  20. EveryDamnDay says

    I should've watched past 5:29 because I just literally threw my camera over the edge of a rooftop

  21. Prabal Gogoi says

    I use 85mm 1.8 g lens on d5500.
    but I fail to get sharp portrait with eyes . please help

  22. Dedlip ! says

    What's the name of hotel or building for the rooftops? And is it accessible to public??

  23. Rooftops & Runners says

    Cinematic video, i love it)

  24. triplflip900 says

    This was awesome. And a helicopter ride!?!? Damn, Josh!

  25. Tofu says

    Sorry but most of these shots are really boring…

  26. Jayden L says

    I want a rooftop picture from you for my iPhone lockscreen & wallpaper!!

  27. Demitri Nieto says

    this is amazing. i watched the whole thing

  28. jose_caahhh says

    Why did u blur people's faces?

  29. Alejo Storni says

    Good video but the camera…. Not it chief

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