Professional Photographer Vs Amateur in The Same Location


One of the struggles of a beginner photographer is seeing the world in a different way. We’ve all become so blind to the beauty around us that you have to retrain your brain to see things in a new way. And in this video we’ll show you that almost any location can be a good location, you just have to learn how to see it.


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  1. Albert Rocco says

    Misleading title

  2. Nicholas Crawford says

    this video title is misleading. you make it sound like they'd be trying to take the same picture. All this is is a behind the scenes look at someone taking pictures.

  3. Tattoo World says

    03:25 omg, it's awesome!

  4. BiBi :v says


  5. Didi Koval says

    nice, keep it up!

  6. Аюбджон Ганиев says


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