How incredible is the female body?! So excited to share this epic pregnancy transformation with all of you that was inspired by Mimi Ikonn’s transformation video ❤️

Since week 10 we have been taking a weekly progress video update of my pregnancy journey all the way until the first week of Max’s life! Quick correction – Max was actually 6.92 lbs when he was born! Also, can you believe how stretchable this bikini is? 😂

A few of you have also requested a transformation video like this of me getting back into shape over the next 10 months or so. Let me know in the comments if this is something you would be interested in as well!

0:01 – 10 Weeks Pregnant
0:07 – 11 Weeks Pregnant
0:15 – 13 Weeks Pregnant
0:22 – 15 Weeks Pregnant
0:28 – 17 Weeks Pregnant
0:40 – 19 Weeks Pregnant
0:48 – 22 Weeks Pregnant
0:58 – 24 Weeks Pregnant
1:07 – 26 Weeks Pregnant
1:14 – 27 Weeks Pregnant
1:21 – 28 Weeks Pregnant
1:27 – 29 Weeks Pregnant
1:37 – 31 Weeks Pregnant
1:45 – 32 Weeks Pregnant
1:55 – 33 Weeks Pregnant
2:05 – 35 Weeks Pregnant
2:11 – 36 Weeks Pregnant
2:19 – 37 Weeks Pregnant
2:30 – 39 Weeks Pregnant
2:42 – 40 Weeks Pregnant
2:51 – Welcoming Maximus Lipovetsky!

– Bikini: Zaful (Old)
– White Floral Dress:
– White Cat-Eye Glasses:
– Affordable Cat-Eye Glasses:
– Similar Gold Hoops:
– Initial Necklace:
– Evil Eye Necklace:



#valerialipovetsky #pregnancy #transformation

  1. Valeria Lipovetsky says

    Do you want to see a transformation video like this of me getting back into shape over the next ten months or so? Let me know 💪🏼

  2. Info Logy says

    Do u have only one inner wear ??

  3. mishgun90 says

    Госпади…ты 40 недель не меняла трусы…

  4. Skeela O'Lamey says

    He's born 2 days before my birthday

  5. Ingrid Perez says

    Do eny of you know what tje background song is called pls tell me

  6. Alejandra Razo says

    Por alguna razón se me hace que la mujer tiene cara de pendeja

  7. Kris Rutschke says

    Umm a underage mother of 3 and still going

  8. Goblin Slayeri says

    Antes era plana y ahora es tetona rica

  9. Soroush BM says

    happy mom

  10. Instant Coffee says

    hahaha yes
    this is my fetish

  11. RICKY _ says

    Just seeing the back hurts 😰

  12. Krzysiu says

    13 yrs kid

  13. Aaron Zaharias says

    At 33 weeks I feel bad for you.

  14. iker Games says

    Empeso virgen y termino con un bebe

  15. Aaron Zaharias says

    I could tell you were pregnant when it reached 22

  16. Addison Gilly says

    She was born on my birthday

  17. Johnny Romano says

    Quanto mi stai sul cazzo diocan crepa

  18. Kip Lindsay says

    Fun and amazing video. He's gorgeous

  19. Patrick Allen says

    You look alot like the agent Cortez from spy kids all the time in the world at the beginning

  20. Quickdriver - says


  21. Chiheru Tian says

    In 28 years already gave birth to three children …

  22. Alessandro 68 says

    Mangia di meno

  23. muhammad salman says


  24. Lisa Miguel says

    Why destroy the same bikini I bet she sleeps with it

  25. Pepe Müller says

    Ok ok it was me

  26. Call meh LO says

    Seriously you looks so young 😨… I thought you were teenager 😂

  27. nemashant 21 says

    No 41 weks, its actually 41 milion views. Ahaaa

  28. Midnight Rose says


  29. Maddison Power G says

    How do you know if you’re pregnant

  30. サナギ says


  31. Kuroyase says

    How to get pregnant?

  32. julak again says

    Yang dilihat cuman perkembangan payudaranya bukan perutnya wkkkk

  33. King Zero says

    RIP her body… she’s never gonna recover from the stretchmarks that monster put on her… thought she was having triplets or something…

  34. I think my mom is pregnant her tummy is big

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