1. Manny Ortiz says

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far. I just wanted to remind you that the points I made in this video are only my OPINION! Everyone has a different style and that's great. These are just some things that I've learned throughout my journey πŸ™‚

  2. styprime says

    Dude is your wife an experienced model? She does a great job, man. Very nice face and very confident at posing. I started as well with my love shooting portraits but it was an hell of a ride. It took a while til we got. the first nice shots. How did you two improved your work together? Got someone tips?

  3. Chris Wilkinson says

    Got to respect Manny and his humbleness. It's reassuring to hear that even the best photographers will make errors from time to time, and that's okay. πŸ™‚


    Thank you so much Manny!!!!

  5. S Tra says

    I used to shoot more and recently decided to shoot more conservatively. I don’t like to go through 1000 shots to pick the best ones every time.

  6. Comrade Stalin says

    I'm definitely not conservative with my shooting

    It is a slight pain when your computer takes so long to even import though

  7. Orangeman Cometh says

    All I remember are the DO's!

  8. juna wood says

    i see this hoodie all the time. like every human on this planet got it in their closet or sth

  9. Edwin Palacios says

    Manny have some fun and hook me up with a 24mm g master πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  10. Visual Optics says

    What’s some tips for male portraits?

  11. ojblackranger says

    I like when you said "everyone takes a bad photo".

  12. Le Seynt says

    soooooo gooooooddd!!!!!!

  13. Linus WΓ€rn says

    Great simple tips!

  14. Oto Winkler says

    Great channel Manny. I helps me a lot ☺ Thanks for that. Plus it made my mind and transitioning to Sony A7ii.

    Keep it up and looking forward seeing more content.

  15. Rahil Shaukat ali says

    You vids are dope. M new and you vids are extremely helpful I hope I get to meet you someday

  16. D12HAV says

    Talk about the understatement of the year "Sometimes You Get Lucky" at 1:40:00 as a pic of Diana pops up……. lol jk.

  17. Paul Andrew says

    Thanks Manny! Opinions from other pros are important! I've been shooting for many years but it's still useful to hear how other pros work. Great vid!

  18. Bob Nelson says

    I've been following you for some time now and I appreciate what you share. Thank you.

  19. Richard Crowe says

    Great Ideas, Thanks!

  20. Roc Star Studio says

    Wait are you in Chicago?

  21. Roc Star Studio says

    Dude you are easily one of the best teachers out here. Im a photographer as well,…….still building my reel but watching videos like yours make things a lot easier. Thanks for sharing.

  22. VinC Digital says

    Late to the party. Glad you are better. Awesome tips especially the last one. Helped me heaps. Thanks!

  23. Darek M says

    "it didn't come out good" at 1:34 – that's just cringe worthy bad writing.

  24. Raymond Ramos says

    These videos are great, I really like that I can relate to the way you think about photography. Although, I am a Canon guy, lol. We are all students of our craft and I am always watching and listening to other artist and how they think. Thanks for these videos and thanks for being truthful about bad pics and getting lucky!

  25. Efisio Cross | Orchestral says

    you are pure fire keep it God bless!

  26. Hero Shotz says

    I wish i could make some bread doing portraits all i ever get is people wanting free photos and saying "o you can have it for your portfolio" lol no i want monayyyyyyy

  27. dancidancii says

    i cant tell my model to have some fun, it sounds bad in my language… what now?

  28. Bob Nelson says

    WOW, this answered alot for me. Thanks!

  29. Snooty Fox says

    Thanks Manny! πŸ‘ I'm a street photog/potrait hobbiest and you are right on with this.

  30. Zaravia Nicole says

    This was so helpful

  31. Pasta21 says

    is that an A7R?

  32. LuOptic Media says

    Saving the best location for last was a great take away from this. Glad to see you back bro.

  33. Virgil Hawkins says

    Lol I shoot conservative not only as a beginner who's a perfectionist, but also because I'm broke and my memory card isn't but so big as far as RAW files are concerned, even from a crop sensor camera.

  34. inue 48 says

    Thanks for this video!

  35. Peter Ange1o says

    if the model is not hot or beutiful, can you have the same result ?

  36. Veronica Mmari says

    These are some solid tips! I especially liked the one on connecting with your models, I definitely could work on that lol. Also, your photography is beautiful!

  37. theory8sf says

    Great advice and a good video to watch before doing to a photo shoot!

  38. Jax says

    Totally Agree with the first one!

  39. clay landry says

    Dude these tips were bomb! Great stuff πŸ‘πŸΌ

  40. BLC says

    Hey Manny. You might have heard but Max's monetization got jacked by YouTube. I notice you don't have any YouTube ads on a bunch that I've seen so far. Did you have the same thing happen to your last channel? Is that why it appears as if you don't have Adsense turned on?

  41. Joao Marcos Peixoto says

    "Good luck in Lightroom sorting through those images" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    That's so me!
    Thanks man, I appreciate the knowledge shared with us.

  42. Jake Moody says

    Great "dont's" tips n tricks! Thanks!

  43. Ben Williams says

    Manny awesome video. I have learned so much from you. Thank you!!

  44. Al Steiner says

    I like your authenticity Manny O

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