Nikon CONFIRMS NEW Camera!! Photo News Fix


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Nikon Confirms NEW mirrorless camera development
A $500,000+ Camera Car
Spy Camera ring for Sale
DJI Phantom 5 Leaked Specs?

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  1. Jared Polin says

    Have you RANG my bell yet? Please ring that bell next to the subscribe button so you can be the first to comment "first"…. FIRST!!!

  2. Somnath Chakraborty says

    When will the Nikon launch the Coolpix B700 update new camera?

  3. Shokuntolar pakhi says

    Hello… i am from Bangladesh. Nikon's new camera will come in the market, please let me know.

  4. DigNap15 says

    Nikon need to bite the bullet and redesign their lens mount so that they can do perfect fast auto focus for video and sports lenses. Canon did it years ago and reaped the benefits. Sure many people have Nikon glass. But it has to be done.

  5. Jer Lewis says

    I’ll stick with my D2h and D3s, and upgrade other things. A few reasons. One, they shoot RAW. Two they are built like tanks. Designed for working news photographers. incredible battery life. Either are great for action, at 8 and 11 FPS. Crop factor on D2h works great with 400 mm lens. Only need to haul one flash, D3s is great in low light. Can use my Sunpak 522 or 622.

  6. says

    I clicked thumbs up because of Captain Planet LOL.

  7. Josh Dendy says

    I really enjoy your videos. They are always so informative and so well produced. Your camera familiarization videos are the best. It really helped with with the slew of options in my 5600.

  8. IdDuncan says

    start at 0:36

  9. Gizmo87 says

    I have all Nikon glass, so I'm not going to switch brands now, just like millions of others out there. If Nikon comes out with a mirror-less, great. If not, I don't care because I'm not in the market to upgrade right now. What I have works just fine. Maybe in the future.

  10. Paul Biesinger says

    Sad Nikon will only be sending ONE mirrorless camera out next year. For as popular as mirrorless cameras are, they could sell thousands! I guess if some individual does buy the single mirrorless camera that is produced next year, it may trigger Nikon to expand production and perhaps make two or three more of that model for 2020! Fingers crossed, lol

  11. 3aBap4uK says

    Man haven't watched your news in a while. This one was hilarious. Make more of these :-)))

  12. apexxy says

    Ooooooh, interchangeable lenses on the P5. I'm ok with that!

  13. riyAdH mobin says

    hay jared, I know its sounds kinda bit awkward but can u make a comparison video of Nikon d5300 & canon 700d. actually I m not a pro_photographer but owing these 2 cameras and I can't tell the differences & sometimes I argue with my friends for which one is better. if u make a comparison video it'll be helpful. 🙂

  14. Kevin Stephan says

    Mythbusters proved that Jack could not be on the door and keep them balanced and out of the water!

  15. Camera Perv says

    Fix me Fro!

  16. App Dev says

    Based on people buying a Sony I can hear the factories gearing up to produce lens to body adapters because no one will trade Nikkor or Canon glass for Stigma or Tampon. And if Nikon come up with a winning body that is priced to sell then it's going to be an interesting spring 2019

  17. Damon Hart says

    Captain Planet Motherfucka

  18. Fernando Nieto Landeros says

    If you want to see the notice Go for minute 4:03

  19. JStazzy says

    that phantom 5 leak is confirmed non true. its actually a custom build for a guy in dubai.

  20. Run N Gun says

    That Phantom 5 looks fantastic!

  21. Ail'enduril says

    too much weight. The door would submerge and they'd both die.

  22. Shang-Hsien Yang says

    Based on the Chinese text at 1:10, the Phantom 5 would feature leaf shutter to minimize the jelly effect. And seriously, on the right bottom, it's clearly written: "Concepted by OsitaLV". I'd say it's fan fiction rather than "leaks". And based on the way these Chinese characters were written, I'd assume it's done by a teenager.

  23. Photo Deva says

    Too late Nikon

    Sony has launched 25 EMount lenses in only 4 years.

    Nikon probably need more 8-10 years to built the same quantity Native Mirrorless Lenses.

  24. Kris Herrmann says

    HOLY. the jokes are on point in this one.

  25. Zurab Managadze says

    The jokes about Putin only romanticize him and this is bad. The man is a mass murderer (by the way, in Russia they call him Hitler light).
    There is no place in photography for someone like him.

  26. Keith Spillett says

    Are photographers really going to wait until 2019 to buy an untried mirrorless system – and yes, I said SYSTEM – in the hope that it's going to be full frame and backwards compatible, when there are established offerings from other manufacturers?

  27. Waldo Wolf says

    Welcome to YOUR Photo News Fix – where I read out loud the frontpage of Petapixel for you every week! Whats the reason to watch this anymore?

  28. Indian Swag Vines says

    no nikon d760?

  29. train.tram.bus says

    I’ve been using a Nikon F80 film camera and I love the full frame effect. So when Nikon continue to announce a full frame Nikon mirrorless camera I get excited. I’m not completely we’d to film photography but the current Nikon digital cameras are to heavy in my opinion. I’m waiting to see if Nikon bring out this camera and I hope it will be lighter and smaller than the current range. I love the quality of Nikon cameras but if they don’t bring it out I’m sadly going for a Sony product. So 12 months Nikon and knock the socks off the full frame competition.

  30. Robert Bratu says

    Dude, make peace with Tony Northrup!

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