DRAWING ON A SCREEN! | Wacom Cintiq 16 Tablet | My Digital Art Process
Today we’re taking a more in-depth look into my digital art process, using the new Cintiq 16, provided to me by Wacom. I’m still trying to figure out how to film this thing properly, so hopefully with a little practice I’ll get there. Let me know if you have any tips for filming the screen!
I’m not a huge fan of the conventional review, I prefer to use it, and show you what happens so you can make your own decisions. If you are looking for a normal review, you can probably find one literally anywhere else.
I was so nervous filming this video. and I think its kinda obvious if you listen. I tried my best and filmed this multiple times and it still didn’t turn out the way I wanted. But I think its important to share on this channel that I am far from perfect. so…I’m posting it.
Wacom Cintiq 16:
(needs to connect to a computer before use with a HDMI and USB)
Wacom Adjustable Stand for Cintiq 16 – $79.99
My Old Wacom: Intuos3
Huion Tablet
♦ ♦ PO BOX ♦ ♦
Email: drawingwiffwaffles@gmail.com
This Tablet was provided to me free of charge to use and share with you. The thoughts are my own. Thanks Wacom for sending me the tablet, I enjoyed trying it out.
♥ some links are affiliate, thanks for supporting me at no extra cost to you! ♥
Hi Waffles! I'm hopefully getting a drawing tablets in for my first time and I was wondering what program you use 🤠💜 ( is it Procreate?)
Where are the shortcut keys?
You have doomed my wallet.
Idk how to connect the usb so I can’t draw with a tablet 🙁
Happy ending hands. There, I said it. First thing that popped into my head. Love the nail polish color too.
the song for your intro sounds like stranger things
So what kind of stylus would you buy if you want to paint on an android device? Asus 2 in 1 thingy to be specific
why do they have to draw it then erase it and then draw and color again? and why do you need layers? can you just draw it and color it like you would with paper and color pencils?
Please answer: does this have to be connected to a computer/laptop?
Thanks so much! I needed a tutorial video to learn how to do digital art!
What software or app does she use for digital? It looks like either medibang or photoshop
I really want that but I can’t afford it😢
what app are you using?
You could just get procreate on your iPad or phone
Were did you get this?
When I watch this…
me: she drew that
my brother: what the-
This was actually really helpful for me. Sometimes I feel like the "official" reviews don't give me a sense of how the artist actually feels while using the product. Which, for me anyway, is exactly what I'm looking for. Did the artist forget about the tablet enough that they could just have fun and draw? That's what I care about.
What is the drawing software she uses
Hot keys for days
I would love to have one of those it looks so cool
Is it just me or her eyes are weird?
What app is that ♥️
I've got an iPad and it is super good, too, BUT i'm broke now(640.-) ARGH i'm so poor
Oof wish I could afford this ;-; I have a really old one that's kinda weird and doesn't really work
I would like to know why you did not go for iPad in which you can use touch gestures and shortcuts ..not requiring keyboard..plus it does need attaching to computer and then easier to carry like a portable studio…and with programs like procreate and Photoshop coming too ipad I think it works better ..also image rotation with touch while working would be easier on iPad because with cintiq we would need a keyboard to do that.?
Please share your views.or cons of owning an iPad
Ah oh eee it's so pretty! The drawing and the monitor lol
why use a wacom when theres a surface pro
hnn i drew something that i was really proud of and then my computer crashed 🙁
Those are some thicc bezels
What's better? The wacom cintiq 16 or the Huion Kamvas pro 13?
i have the same tablet and i dont know how to make the display on the tablet the smae on my laptop. do u have the same problem?
Hey, i m back after 6 weeks. Im getting this for my birthday. 😊😊😊😁😁😁 so excited. Anyway, i would love it if you did a vidio on how to use procreate with the wacom, if you can, no pressure. Anyway, if you do i would be sooooo happy 😊😊
How do you get the display to work and what app do you use to draw?
Please do a face reveal!
This was jibberish to me 😁😂😂😂😂
1:34 “I can move this around because this is not traditional art yuuuuuuuuuuuus” DrawingWiffWaffles January 2019
I have a question is big better is small better?
How did you get photoshop cs5?
You've probably gotten this before but what do you use for digital art
I’m definitely a beginner at digital art so can anyone please help me by explaining what she meant by that grouping, duplicating thingy at 15:09? I’m so sorry for the inconvenience 🙏🏻
What software is that?
How do you create your art without the artist glove? How do you not get marks or smudges from your wrist or forearm
Was this app on the tablet? I just want to know because I would like to use it!
What art program do you use
Do you have to use a keyboard?
The drawing looks so cool
Im going to be a digital artist in a few weeks, and im super excited! And you've been so inspiring!! 😀 Thank you!