2 Camera Modes You Should Use For 98% Of Your Photos
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Watch this photography tutorial to discover the two camera modes that you should use instead of the AUTO mode: aperture priority and shutter priority.
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Unexptected (,/'_'.)
This is all there is to remember for starters
i.e. circles of confusion . . .
… surely you are super optimistic… When I see people pointing the camera the 180Β° wrong way and think the shutter dial is the local speed limit and the aperture is a reminder of thow many kids her sister has… it's pointless!!!
If someone doesn't know at least some photography basics, I think it's better to let the camera settings on Program (or Program Shift) and hope for the best…!
… Even old dogs like me sometimes forget their settings and end up with underexposed or purple photos, or blurred…. or even not exposed photos (if you forget to take the lens cap off.. in a rangefinder…!!!
But, anyway, it is a good video! π
In Shutter priority mode, if we set an ISO, is the photo taken in that ISO or it'll be Auto ISO always?
Great video, great explanation thanks, hope you enjoyed the paradise San Miguel De Allende Guanajuato! Got a like!
I once was an avid amateur photographer and had my own darkroom. When the authorities prohibited the dumping of photographic chemicals down the drain, I stopped using the darkroom and it was not till digital became affordable that I was able to work on my photos. But I always found digital cameras a bit hard to use and stuck to the Auto setting. Iβm visiting Japan at the moment, so I guess Iβll have to do some experimenting with my digital cameras!
I was about to give up photography, but because of this video, I now understand. Thank you.
Beside the fact i knew this already, i liked to watch photography videos for more tips etc. Your video is the best, you talk at good speed and understanding very good!
this is great I actually understand all this could you do one now for manuel mode
That was excellent! Thank you.
Here we go again. I don't know about you but I'm getting sick to death of self-proclaimed "experts" constantly telling me what to do. In the next video another "expert" will be telling us to ignore rules or you'll just be taking the same shots as everyone else. Oh, and ffs sort out the white balance on your vieo camera and get a decent mike while you're at it.
Good video and overview in a simple way for beginners!
Please explain with ISO.
Thank you.
when i want to keep the entire photo sharp, using a higher f-stop number, where should my lens focus be?
Thanks for the tips. Unfortunately, I had a hard time focusing on what you were saying because of the audio track with a constant clicking.
This is why I like the Fuji system. Is so more intuitive than using modes.
Thank You Mark. It s very nice..
ive been struggling with understanding this concpet for ages and as a result never been off auto… finally a clear easy to digest explanation with examples you can try….. i feel like ive levelled up today!
An old git like myself learnt this on a 35mm SLR, still have my OM 2N.
Great video.
Thank you very much. You explained it very, very good so even I can understand my camera. Thanks a lot.
That bench is beautiful! Where are you filming?
Thank you for not using that "bokeh" word. I had never heard that until very recently, and I hate it. I've only known it as "depth of field".
I tend to use aperture priority the most, because in most cases I prefer a sharper background or better depth of field for photographing items for sale. The reason I don't like "auto" mode is because it tends to raise the ISO too much which diminishes the quality of the image, and it always uses a larger aperture.
I like his presentation style. I did have to speed up to 1.25x, though.
What about P mode?
My (now quite old!) Fuji XE1 has been a joy to use and re-learn the basics of photography. I use it with manual lenses now and you get the instant effect of aperture and speed on my photos. As a teenager, I would keep a notebook and take note of settings and corresponding frame numbers.. tough old days! Recommend experimenting and making mistakes -especially without the expense of film.
So basically you showed 2 modes which introduce more blur. I dont see whats so great about that, personally i like sharp pictures. Getting an expensive camera to take blurry pictures makes no sense.
Great video.
Canβt mot thank you enough for this , much appreciated.
What camera you have on there on you please?
OMG!!! You described me all the way with the auto mode, and buying expensive cameras & never using due to not knowing how to set it correctly π. I'm subscribing, I may learn some things π.
Great video.Thanks!
I leave it on auto to get the fastest shot in a pinch. When I want something different I go to manual.
very informative, tnx
The shutter speed. Now I know. Thank you!
Which camera do you often recommend among many digital cameras ?
Wish all my teachers had your style. Very good presentation. You have the "gift!"
Hey Mark which camera would you recommend under $1.000 U.S
Nature and people are my interests
Would consider used.
Aperture priority for me everytime and I have worked that way for the past 35 years. Control of depth of field is essential in street photography. https://keithtowers.zenfolio.com/
Great explanation. Easy to understand for someone who knows nothing about photography like me.
Great video for a total newbie like me. But I am confused by one comment. At 5:12 you said, "keep in mind, you'll probably need to use a tripod when you increase your f-stop number past F8…" But as you go UP in f-stop, it will allow more light in and then your camera will compensate with a shorter exposure, right? Shorter exposures would seem to REDUCE the need for a tripod, not INCREASE it. Since I am brand-new, I am probably just confused as I think this through.
Excellent video