The Photographer Of Mauthausen – Netflix Trailer (English)

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The Photographer Of Mauthausen (El fotógrafo de Mauthausen) is now streaming on Netflix, a Spanish movie.

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“A Catalán prisoner at a Nazi concentration camp uses his office job to steal photo negatives of the atrocities committed there. Based on true events.”

  1. Marc Zoeteweij says

    Why another movie like this? Why are there so many movies like this? Why isnt there any movie of churchill bombing germany's biggest cities burning thousands of civilian people with no military purpose.. There is no evidence of "extermination" in germany, these movies make me sick

  2. Nikola Todorovski says


  3. Violet Blue says

    ughhh i want to watch horror not a gore 🙁

  4. juan carlos says

    Solo mentiras y tergiversaciones . un asesino del partido comunista , ahora es inocente y una blanca paloma.

  5. Nordpull says

    I was in Mauthausen yesterday

  6. Jesus GGez says

    0:29 i dont get it my mame is Jesus Anselmo Galvan Gomez

  7. Hernan Cortez says

    Good job hitler fuck republicans.

  8. Un Known says

    anybody know what name is music which prisoners played with couple of instrumentals when one prisoner had excuted? plz help me

  9. Taylor Craig Newbold says

    Guy who plays main character is ripped and doesn't look AT ALL like real captives. Didn't make any sense.

  10. Marte W says

    Just watched the movie. Grusome. So happy that the young boy never got hurt and got free at the end.

  11. Delia Garcia says

    I want to watch this movie and I’m aware there are parts in this movie that can be disturbing. Does this include kids??? I just can’t watch anything that has to do with harming kids. And before you jump and tell me that it was a reality during the holocaust, I know!!!

  12. White343 says

    16 Dislikers… 16 Neo Nazi's.

  13. GetTpOrDIE says

    Oy vey…

  14. Ayee Jiff says

    This movie made my mum cry ….

  15. Bryn Huggins says

    I watched this yesterday and it really upset me, including other horrific concentration camp movies I’ve seen💔

    I am so disgusted by how Adolf Hitler murdered so many different types of people. Hope he’s having a good time rotting in Hell!😡

  16. Joe Smith says

    10 white nationalists didn't like this.

  17. Gary Diamond says

    I caught a huge mistake in the film they used a 1960's VW inside of a 1940's VW I had a 55 VW the back window should have two sides

  18. BabylonPadawan84 says

    Not saying the Holocaust was fake, but Netflix is misleading in the description saying that the photographer was taking photos as "proof." Anyone who has taken even a junior college art class should know that pictures and video can never be considered as 100% proof of anything as they can easily be altered.

  19. Vavere Meza says

    My god, If the events in this movie really were then german tourists and residents in Spain may receive some strange staring this coming summer 2019. I am thinking of the scene with the nazi fofficer teaching his son at his birthday party how to shot prisoners in front of everyone. Remember this events already happened more than 60 years ago, be nice to the germans.

  20. David Dee says

    Wonderful movie!!

  21. Norrlands Guld says

    Anyone know The song they played with The intruments, when They hang (Hung?) that guy?

  22. هتلر ١٩٤٥ says

    عاش هتلر

  23. Karl König-Mehrtüssen says

    Incredible movie. You won't regret it.

  24. Psych0 T00n says

    Some people here commenting, ask what song was being played while one of the concentration camp victims was executed….. Really, I mean fucking really ???

  25. Psych0 T00n says

    If you speak Spanish… watch this documentary

  26. Psych0 T00n says

    A lot of retarded comments in the posts, from alt-right nationalists and trolls… For everyone else, I wholeheartedly recommend this film, especially for those trying to learn more about the topic..

  27. Psych0 T00n says

    Spaniards the other victims of the Nazi Holocaust, another great historical film, depicting the monstrosity of the Nazi dictatorship… and plight of it's victims. I loved the ending however, with that SS guy tortured, tied naked to the fence with swastikas drawn on his ass, I genuinely enjoyed that part……a suitable death for any SS concentration camp Nazi official imo LOL

  28. Ella Ann says

    This movie was twisted, especially since the fact that it was based on actual events makes it even more F’ed- up. Definitely a good movie,👍🏽.

  29. The Savage says

    God I’ve seen some very biased propaganda filmes but this one tops the list of all. Very baised shit film glorifying the communist into angels.They made the germans look like they despised the Spanish when Spain and Germany where very close allies in ww2. Wouldn’t expect much from jewflix.

  30. Falconer Omen says

    Saw this last night. Its largely about Spanish Republicans sent to Mauthausen by the Nazis.

  31. P chamberlain says


  32. QDU佩明 says

    I just finished last night and can say this is a good one! I’d rarely seen the kid in trailer but he was so adorable in the film :)) #mustwatch

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