Seeing the Invisible: SLOW MOTION Schlieren Imaging


This is what the world would look like if you could see invisible air currents, temperature gradients, and differences in pressure or composition of the air.
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Tony Fadell, Donal Botkin, Jeff Straathof, Zach Mueller, Ron Neal, Nathan Hansen

I first saw a Schlieren imaging setup around ten years ago in Melbourne. I was immediately fascinated by the way I could see the warm air coming off my hand. I hadn’t expected the currents to be moving that fast or to be so visible. This was a tricky setup to get right because alignment is very important and here I’m just working with what I had lying around the house mostly (plus the mirror). For the best Schlieren photography, making sure the mirror is stable is essential. I want to improve my setup so the mirror doesn’t wobble back and forth too much creating the pulsing light and dark sections of this video.

The relationship between index of refraction of air and temperature, pressure, humidity and wavelength is complicated. This website will calculate it for you:

Slow motion by Hollywood Special Ops:

Sound Effects by A Shell in the Pit:

Filmed by Raquel Nuno
Special thanks to Blake Nichols for assistance

  1. Thin Q says

    that's a mouthful, can I call it a tiger

  2. Pol Thoyer says

    Does anyone know where I can find a large concave mirror like the one in the video?? It will be helpful thxs !

  3. Eiron James Domingo says

    Thats scary

  4. Scott Wheeler says

    Awesome! But be careful with telescope mirrors guys, they are beautiful and dangerous. Keep it away from the sun!!

  5. Adam Hill says

    @veritasium I accidentally found one in my laundry room! Check my channel, I don't want to link here for spam's sake.

  6. Dylan DeFrates says

    Bro… ? This is insane, I LOVE it.

  7. no1unorightnow says

    Wouldn't "parabolic" imply it's NOT spherical/a cross-section of a sphere?

  8. Jefferson Moreira says

    Please, I have seen tries, buy my dream was to see all the different electromagnetic fields around us. Wifi, 3g, Radio, FM, VHF, so on. This one is hard.

  9. Moises Rueda says

    Wonderfull,, Thanks

  10. Eyob Fitwi says

    Interesting how the lighter lighting up created a small mushroom cloud.

  11. Christopher Dounis says


  12. Nestor Alvarenga says



    @5.48, May I use this frame as a cover art for my album? credits to you and advertisement on my album and songs is what I can offer.
    Thanks let me know.

  13. Ivana Tinkle says

    This guy is annoying and his face is dumb
    Change my mind

  14. Vincent Huynh says

    Flammable bubbles would look really cool

  15. Vesa Rajala says

    Hey! Super interesting. Would love to see sound waves schliered 🙂

  16. Prasetyo Muhammad Dwi says

    bring paranormal and expose a ghost

  17. Jean-Louis LAURONT says

    Have you tried or have you knowledge about use of the Schlieren Imaging principle in the SWIR band (0.9 to 1.7microns)?

  18. Jyothi Sargur says

    Can this trap paranormal activities…Try it out

  19. TrustMeImAScientist1 says

    Discovered in 1665……. Whaaaa? So i guess it's plausible german scientists actually made ufo's back in wwII.

  20. Infinity Studios says

    it's cool I liked it

  21. Alvin Tolentino says

    Good evening sir! Would this still work if we use a camera module with a resolution of 640 x 480 vga?

  22. chaser107 says

    What focal length lens did you use

  23. Brooks Miller says

    A bicycle driving by.

  24. Sarah Minette Sumaoang says

    Where can we get such mirror? Thank youuu

  25. breakdanc3 says

    it also produces these awesome low rumbling sounds,, especially when popping a bubble ..

  26. corey anderson says

    A rotating object movings through something dense like oxygen.. or even tungsten hexafluoride! It would be interesting to visualize the Magnus effect..

  27. David H says

    I would love to see air flowing over a streamlined rc plane Vs a not so streamlined plane

  28. BHU1 LORD says

    does schlieren imaging use the same setup as a foucault tester???

  29. Pas De MD says

    If you wonder why you get a spike of views on this video, it's this:

  30. Sandeep Yadala says

    We are doing schlieren for shock waves visualisation . It would be helpful if u can share the camera settings

  31. אורן בלאו says


  32. Brom Destroyer says

    Can you show the vapors from a mercury amalgam filling when agitated ?

  33. Jecories Williams says

    Crystal Ball

  34. Jecories Williams says

    Mushroom Spores

  35. Jecories Williams says

    Time Lapse of plant growth

  36. Jecories Williams says

    Prism Refraction

  37. a0925315782 says


  38. ملك الأسود says


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