Mi 9 vs Mi 9 SE – photo and video comparison [Xiaomify]


After reviewing both the Mi 9 and the Mi 9 SE, I had to make a comparison video to compare the video and photos of both phones.
Mi 9 review:
Mi 9 SE review:

00:35 – 4K video comparison
02:40 – HD video comparison
04:40 – Photo comparison
13:39 – Camera conclusion

Get the Mi 9 here on

Get the Mi 9 SE here on

The Mi 9 featured one of the top 3 camera’s according to DXOmark, and as the Mi 9 SE has a very similar looking camera setup, how good is it really in comparison?

I found that for video the Mi 9 is much better at stabilizing the image. In 4K this difference is really big, but also at 1080P the difference between the Mi9 and the Mi9 SE is pretty big and in all images, I mostly prefer the Mi 9. In some situations, the Mi 9 SE had a sharper image as it crops the image quite a bit less than the Mi 9, but the experience of watching a much more stabilized video is much better in my opinion.

For photo’s the differences are quite a bit more complex. The Mi 9 SE has a different sensor and different optics for the wide angle and the telephoto lens which have a smaller aperture and a lower pixel count. This results in the Mi 9 giving better results in low light using these two lenses.

The Mi 9 SE and the Mi 9 both have the same regular lens, so the differences here are virtually nothing.

In low light, the Mi 9 performs better with both the telephoto and the wide angle lens, but in lighter conditions I found myself to favor the wide angle lens on the Mi 9 SE as this gives less edge blur and most of the time produces a sharper image. The telephoto lens on the Mi 9 is better in any condition, whether you have light or less light; all pictures seemed to come out better on the Mi 9.

In most cases, I personally favor the video and the photos on the Mi 9 but that is not to say that photos come out bad on the Mi 9 SE. -As the lens you will probably use the most is the regular lens, and this gives similar results on both phones. So your choice could depend on what you will need the most. If you really need buttery-smooth video stabilization than the Mi 9 is probably your best choice. If you need a wider angle lens than you might want to consider the Mi 9 SE. And if you are on a tighter budget the choice is easy: go for the Mi 9 SE!

#Xiaomi #Mi9vsMi9se #SmartphoneComparison

  1. xiaomify says

    Good news: I have a lot of new videos coming out in the next days.
    Right now I have about 7 new videos ready and will try to post them bi-daily; so A LOT of videos are coming up!
    -Stay tuned!

  2. Lilian Nascimento da Silva says

    Did you switch hands when filming with both phones?

  3. what dafuq says

    Please make a review of the redmi k20 and the pro version. Thanks!!!

  4. Do you think it would be good to put the Google Pixel 3 camera apk on the 9SE?

  5. Lokcies says

    Can you guys make a video on photography tips using both of of this phone, or at least either of them

  6. amh112011 says

    What about the sound in the video ?

  7. M nafi says

    Hi, which one better between MI 8 or MI 9SE??

  8. Áron Kovács says

    Do you think, the difference of video stabilization disappears when using a gimbal?

  9. Unknown Man says

    GCAM comparison🤔🤗

  10. Ziad Badhon says

    you forgot about front camera. lol

  11. Gianluca C says

    Did you renew the Visa in Macau? 🤭✌️ Hi from jang'an temple

  12. Man Saha says

    It is a joke

  13. Hasibul hasan says

    Nice comparison

  14. stefanels says

    very nice comparison… good job

  15. Manu Kiirov says

    Wtf, The Xiaomi Mi 9se has the stabilization deactivated, it is noticeable because the image has more angular than that of the Mi 9 because it is cropped by the EIA

  16. wal bat says

    This is a very good example of bias review

  17. Real Sport says

    Where is front camera video test?

  18. Jasper Koekoek says

    Great videos, what do you think, mi 9 se or Samsung a50?

  19. mônica says

    great video! i would like to see a comparison between pocophone f1, mi 8 and mi 9 se with and without google camera. also, would be nice to see selfie comparisons (:

  20. Nikolas Kristanto says

    for videography, which one do you prefer mi 9 or mix 3?

  21. eu_koda says

    This channel should've at least a million subs 👍. Great Comparison.

  22. Gipfeli Ganzo says


  23. Indi Dog says

    I'm not sure u turned on the stabilization on the mi9 se, my friends mi8 lite is way more stable than that

  24. jojoba091 says

    This is a great video comparison.
    I’m torn between Mi 9 or Mi 9 SE.
    In term of video, Mi 9 is number one. Budget wise, Mi 9 SE.

  25. Suricato Albino says

    anyone knows if the mi9 se supports the mi remote?

  26. Naruto kun says

    Watching this vid with my mi 9❤️

  27. Lloyd Yu says

    Who won the raffle?

  28. Jack Daniels says

    Hey, thanks for the video. Very well made! Keep the good work up

  29. Fabjan Muca says

    Mi 8 vs Mi 9 please!😃

  30. Aswin Rediff says

    What about selfie cam???

  31. Reverend Gonzales says

    who cares about 4k, even these two phones have display resolution at 1080p :v

  32. DiegoQuezada says


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