How to Take the Perfect Selfie! 12 Photography Tricks for Better Instagram Photos!


Pose like a model for portraits?! How I edit my photos on my phone! 12 Photography tricks to taking the PERFECT photo each time! How to pose and look more #confident in photos!

How to Take Better Instagram Photos:

Photography Life Hacks You Must Know:

12 Poses for Short Girls:

Back to School Giveaway:

Let’s get to 13000 Likes to make another photography hacks video! Don’t forget to subscribe if you’re new!

Camera Gear:
Pink Dress:
Shirred Top:
Denim Jacket:
IGTV Dress Haul:

My Camera Gear:

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Hi my name is Ally! Here’s 12 photography hacks to fake the perfect Instagram selfie! I also love sharing simple clothing hacks, and Pinterest DIYs. Subscribe to my channel for new videos every Tuesday! Join the #FamAlly!
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Business Inquiries: fashionbyally(at)

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  1. Zyl Belino says

    what application do you usually use in editing your photos? 🙂

  2. Jollibee Causapin says

    I love your hair ally 😍💓🇸🇽

  3. JV liked says

    I love your ideas in taking a photo of your face

  4. ishwarya T says

    Cool .. I love the way u talk… and your explanation which is crystal clear thank u for these videos.. which is very helpful.. am new to your channel and am glad..

  5. Deepika Bharti says

    Aditi is soooooooo gorgeous

  6. Shatakshi Jaiswal says

    U r too cute, be happy always… Ur smile luv it

  7. ATUN Biswal says


  8. sandhya bhatta says

    Oh god I am the one who literally shows her teeth in every selfies and other photos too 😂😂

  9. Anonymous says

    I love your necklace in this video! Where'd you get it? THanks!

  10. Sela Burgos says

    Do you have the backdrop link?

  11. YoSweetKc says

    Heya! New subbie here! Nice tips 😍😊

  12. Plzzzz do more photography tricks or hacks plss thx lab yur vids

  13. LIPIKA AND ASTHAA 'S Channel says

    Ohhh aditi is Indian and ofc loved your video

  14. cOcOA BEANs says

    u know what im guilty for?

    not smiling in pictures

  15. Lily says

    Aww So cute dog😍😍☺️

  16. Sunita Kapoor says

    Thankyou its really helpful

  17. ENA says

    00:00 what's the song called?
    Btw I love the video💗

  18. irine young says

    unexpected places

  19. Sissy _ says

    Luv 💕 from Indonesia

  20. This Awesome Channel says

    Anyone got other tips on how to take the perfect selfie?

  21. Ives Evangelista says

    More photography videos please. 💛

  22. Gabriela Bydłoń says

    Mega odcinek 💞💞💞

  23. Emily Wilkinson says

    Could you do a video on outfits to wear in photos?

  24. that is extremely hepful!!!

  25. Melaang says


  26. Artifact IOS says

    are you still friends with ryen

  27. Meili Lovejoy says

    Plz do hair styles for school

  28. Klimentina Efremova says

    Ally you make really beautifull videos and I want to do video with you but we can't but It's ok and thanks for giving me ideas with very new video <3 <3 <3

  29. ACID SNOW says

    those are some amazing photography hacks!
    thanks for sharing this with us
    really enjoyed watching this

  30. Pear 555415 says

    Love it❤❤❤

  31. NANCY GARCIA says

    Double chin? Where? Girl you ain’t got no double chin lol your at a perfect weight.

  32. ginger hab says

    I love this video sooooooooooo much! #confident #FamAlly 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

  33. Itsmepuxx says

    Step 1 : have a flawless face 🙂

    And hey. You do!

  34. Nica De Los Santos says

    More photography videos Ally, I love so so much 😍😘

  35. Bella Cortez says

    I love this series!!

  36. HiSmile says

    So many helpful tips and tricks 👏

  37. Evangeline Tapit says

    I really love the soft smile ally 😻😻😻 I will make sure to try that

  38. Mile 18 says

    Whenever I see myself on a photo my face looks so unsymmetrical🙄🙄

  39. Princess Ramos says


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