Hiker Taking Photos is Killed by Grizzly Bear.


Sadly, a hiker was killed by a Grizzly Bear at Denali National Park in Alaska. It is the parks first death by bear since officially becoming a safe haven for wildlife in 1917. The bear had to be put down for public safety since it now was a man eater.
Rangers found the tourist camera and determined he spent over 8 minutes near the bear at a range of 50 yards. Park rules at Denali ask you to be 300 yards to 1/4 mile away from bears and at Yellowstone they state 100 yards. Ask anyone who visits or works at these parks and they will tell you they see people brake those rules daily for bear, moose, elk and other wildlife. Do people think they can out run a 30mph charging bear? Do they think they will get that perfect picture, not knowing the footage they watch on nature shows are taken with huge lenses, and sometimes even staged with captive animals?
Please enjoy nature, but be careful out there. For yourself, for the wildlife, and for everyone else that plans on visiting these amazing areas.
News stories here:

Excellent book about nature shows:

Report by:
Brian’s Art for Animals
Thanks for watching! Your views help wildlife.
*Brian’s Art for Animals “SAFARI” series provides you an honest view of what you might see while on safari. Unlike productions on major channels/networks that may use weeks, months, and sometimes years of footage to paint a picture of a safari drive or viewing wildlife, on my series what you see is exactly what I saw on that particular day. I do this to give you a realistic view of going on safari to various locations around our planet.

  1. Brians Art for Animals says

    Thanks for watching this video, and please be safe out there. A man was killed by an injured wild sloth bear while trying to take a selfie with it, along with recent deaths by elephant and hippo in Africa again with people getting too close. As for this original story, a good article on it is found here:.https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/article/denali-park-hikers-camera-offers-clues-bear-attack/2012/08/27/  Give the wild animals they space they need. Please.

  2. K W says

    Bear chases cyclist

  3. crosbonit says

    I would walk right up to these bears. But I would have a flame thrower at the ready capable of dispensing napalm if it decided to try something. Roast bear probably tastes good.

  4. The Blue Hotel says

    Good advice.

  5. Mike Sweenor says

    It seems it's all about you and what you do not the hiker who was killed by the bear. Why don't you just give them facts. A grizzly bear can do 50 yards in 3 steps a swipe and you're dead! If you don't have one chambered kids your ass goodbye! But hey this video was all about you and your 400mm lenses!

  6. Pipo Batanga says

    …if you go out there you better start packing heat !

  7. Tezza Crow says

    I'm close to 60 years old, and I remember being in diapers when my dad told me, "A bear is a great big animal and you might think it moves slow, but it doesn't. Bears run faster than you ever will uphill, downhill and up trees." I don't know if all that is true, but I just assume it is and have never had a fearful encounter with a bear. Learn about animals before you go to their home. Please!

  8. Diane Godbout says

    just consider the awful fate of timothy treadwell and his girl friend

  9. oldkingjames oldkingjames says

    People have become too domesticated and dare I say it, stupid.

  10. Yulbay says

    You got me…I thought it was a video…the title "Hiker Taking Photos is Killed by Grizzly Bear" did it. Here's a good title for your next whatever you call it, "Hiker Taking Photos of UFO is Killed by aliens."

  11. Lee Dean says

    Yes! Great PSA.

  12. George Seward says

    I was at Denali two days after this attack happened. This man was a poster child of what not to do around wild animals. The Bear killed him and cached his body . When the Rangers discovered the body the Bear would not leave the body so the animal had to be killed. This video should be shown to all hikers/tourists.

  13. carman thomas says

    Works for me,but it isn't. Much longer than 100 yard dash.
    Tooo close.
    300 yards.

  14. Zain844 says

    This is why you take pictures of bears from a fucking chopper.

  15. PHOTO7 says

    Nice video and comments. I respect all animals. I am a Zoo photographer, and I am wondering do Zoo animals like Lions get tired of a person photographing them. Some times I am there by myself, and shooting a hundred pictures at the lions, but they look piss'ed and some times I think they want to jump the wall. I am not doing nothing to arouse them they just look annoyed. Is there any merit to my thoughts, or am I just afraid of giant cats.

  16. Nelson Holt says

    Wild animals kill to feed themselves. Humans kill each other daily and it isn’t for putting bread on the table.
    What’s that say about us?

  17. lee laural says

    common sense…….

  18. Dr.Michelle' Mykel' House says

    Unrelateable people being hard-headed is their poverty and where there's poverty there's crime and where there's crime there's death.Agapé 💞Namasté

  19. Cozy Cool says

    The dann dummy thinking he was special & owned that area , it had to be one of us white males !

  20. Hadyn Bond says

    In Jackson Wyoming my cousin got killed by one

  21. Doug Griggs says

    Great advice!! Thanks for the video. I am old now, but much, much wiser than I was 45 and 50 years ago. I have come to realize that big predators are most likely to attack when most or all of following are present: A. THEY ARE HUNGRY!! If they are, they may be desperate for ANY source of food, because we humans are not near top of menu for most wild animals. But if a bear, big moose, lion, tiger, leopard has just gorged itself, it is MUCH less likely to attack a person, even a child. B. THE ANIMAL FEELS THREATENED!!! ESPECIALLY MOTHER PREDATORS WITH CUBS!!! Mother grizzlies WILL ATTACK if they feel that ANY approaching animal is getting too close to their cubs. Which is why park rangers always URGE HIKERS in grizzly country to whistle or sing as they walk along. A mother grizzly has fab hearing as well as scent, and will get her cubs away if she has "advance notice." C. Very very rarely, a big predator will be diseased, and go crazy. Even though not hungry nor actually threatened.

  22. Lyn Travis says

    People are stupid. Just google videos of a woman that throws herself into a gator pit and many more….

  23. Muhammad Ali is King Boxing says

    Even tho you are 100 yards away it’s still not save ,, Grizzly can run faster than horses

  24. Jim Daniels says

    They don't call a bear BROWN LIGHTNING for no reason.. a human doesn't have a chance when a bear decides to charge.

  25. Karen M. says

    People taking pictures and even some "photographers' are constantly crossing that "space" that ensures safety for all.It is selfish and dangerous because if YOU get killed, then the bear is going to die too. It makes me so mad.

  26. Dennis Pfeifer says

    Even if your carrying a .44 magnum, at 50 yards you may get off one shot in the 2-3 seconds you have to react and fire and it better be good. Your probably not going to stop a 1,500 pound charging bear with a .44 magnum unless you hit him in the brain. Ya better move up to a rifle like a .458 Win Mag and ya better shoot straight….These idiots are probably lefties and would not tough a pistol or rifle much less be able to snap shoot.

  27. Dennis Pfeifer says

    The bear eliminated an idiot from the gene pool so idiocy won't spread.

  28. Kevin Johnson says

    atleast he got some good shots??? Im guessing it was worth it huh!

  29. Valerie Cookson says


  30. bubgum00 says

    Anytime you go out in the wild you should bring bear spray and a gun.

  31. Montana fishing Fun says

    Grizzlies can run as fast as a race horse. They will be on you before you know it. Be safe don’t try to take pictures close to a bear. My condolences to the mans family.

  32. Larrt Rawls says

    Never piss off Large wildlife ! They will eat you or just kill you . Public service announcement #1 Dumbass ! Wash D C

  33. Ken House says

    I've been in Yellowstone at different times, and it never ceases to amaze me how stupid, or unknowing the danger they put them selves in for a damed picture , city people just don't get it, nor do the oriental tourists they are absolutely the very worst of all

  34. Robert Cruz says

    If and I say if I needed to look at wild bears, I would be packing a .44 Magnum, named Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson. Also bear spray, maybe hand held concussion grenade. You smart Liberals need to go to an (Common since school).

  35. Sandy Lipscomb says


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