Rainy Portraits in the Studio: Take and Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey


Making fake rain inside a studio is a great way to create an image that’s very different to most studio portraits but still keeps you in total control. In this video Gavin Hoey walks you through his rain covered window set up. He’s got some amazing tips and tricks that can bring the outside inside and rounds things off with a neat Photoshop trick to complete the effect.

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Flashpoint StreakLight 360 Ws Creative Collection

Flashpoint Zoom Li-on Manual On-Camera Flash

Flashpoint 7′ AutoStand

Microsoft Surface Book

Glow ParaPop 38″ Portable Softbox

Photos by Gavin Hoey

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  1. MGTOW Slim says

    I am soooo doing this on my next shoot!

  2. Michael McMullen says

    This is brilliant, and was published on my birthday!

  3. Wendy Cunnington says

    ohmygoodness i can't wait to try this and a lot of your others tips and tricks :))x thank you for sharing!

  4. Mr Jee says

    How much further back do I have to go for an explanation on the flash? Some say flash, others say softbox. I always thought this were separate things. Or can it be both?

  5. James R says

    Well done Garvin; thoughtfully executed and a wonderful result. I appreciate how well explained these videos are taking us slowly through the process with camera settings. I just loath how other instructors get in to a big hurry… and then so much is missed; such a shame. I really enjoy your models who are always talented, patient and quite lovely. I can tell you have a good relationship with your models just by seeing how much they enjoy the sessions, making it a total win for all.

  6. Z M says

    Amazingly tutorial

  7. Piotr Dejneka - Fotograf says

    Stunning results! 🙂

  8. Cecil Hill says

    kylie minogue did this for her 12th album kiss me once. I need to try this!

  9. barry armstrong says

    Brilliant as always super presentation and easy to follow . I will continue to watch well done for all the help and insperation to give.

  10. Augustine T M says

    Superb tutorial…

  11. genk ooger says

    She shore is purty.

  12. groominator-magnetic equator says

    You’ve so many grand ideas (rainy window, circus tent etc) available to those of us with tiny studios. Thanks!

  13. Dr Rao PVN says


  14. All-round Studio says

    loved your video

  15. Fatima Nazar says

    Ohhhh my god Gavin u r god giftid from this pation I love ur work n Thx u teach me I am crazy about rain

  16. PJ mcDona says

    Very helpful

  17. Aleksa Vukovic says

    Does it better 2mm or 3mm glass?

  18. Bojan Petkovic says

    Gavin, you are the best!

  19. John X says

    Great tutorial, thanks. You are a clever bugger!

  20. Jackie Wood says

    I am trying this with studio strobes rather than speedlites…I seem to be getting my reflection?

  21. singhanagat says

    Very nice video

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