My School Photos "Simple School Photos" | Zebrafish Digital Media


Make school photo day an easier process, for schools and parents. We do not ask for an up-front payment from parents. Which means no envelopes, on photo day. The process is simple, with a system that lets parents choose from a variety of photos, to create packs that suit them. The passionate photographers at My School Photos, work to capture, your school memories with a smile and a laugh. Making your students feel at ease, and capturing more natural photographs. Parents will never be disappointed, or surprised with the final results, as they get to see their child’s photos before paying for them. Our variety of photos can be customised to the school, or parents tastes. We offer the option of a simple web based selection and ordering process, or if preferred, ordering through the school, and photos can be delivered, direct to the parents. My School Photos can be found at or give them a call on 5221 1198.

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Zebrafish Digital Media™ © 2018
Zebrafish Digital Media™ acknowledges the Wathaurong people of the Kulin Alliance as the traditional custodians of the land on which this program was created.

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