High-End Skin Retouching & Sculpting in Photoshop


Advanced Technique for Flawless Skin Retouching, Sculpting and Softening in Photoshop! Combining the power of Frequency Separation along with manual Sampling and Painting, learn how to recreate and sculpt the skin, maintaining a beautiful skin texture.

Using this technique, you will not only achieve a smooth skin but also will have the control to naturally remove wrinkles, lift up the cheekbones, and renovate the whole structure of the skin with the skin texture still intact. This is an All-in-One Method whether you want to soften the skin or just simple repair particular areas or discolorations.

I hope this video helps you. Thank you so much for watching!


Photographer: Pasi Järvenpää
Instagram: @terry_bull

Model @katakantanen
MUAH: @milaforsgren

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  1. PiXimperfect says

    ► Learn Photoshop with PiXimperfect Patreon Family!

    Receive exclusive PiXimperfect perks like access to all our 350+ PSDs and assets and Photoshop help from me and the entire PiXimperfect Patreon community! Check it out here:
    https://pix.live/patreon (Don't forget to collect your freebies just for checking it out).

  2. Carrie Davis says

    Great tutorial 👍👍👍 thanks!

  3. nyo nwe says

    You are very good instructor. Thank u very much.

  4. Suren Krish says

    Your explanation is very clear

  5. Paris H says

    I got stuck when trying to add the gaussian blur. It won't let me do anything unless I select the background layer because it says the layer is empty.

  6. Rosario QG de P says

    Puedes hablar mas despacio…….. Gracias

  7. Bicycle Ninja says

    Cool trick using the black and white layer to bring out the blemishes. Also, didn't know about expanding the sample area until this video.

  8. Artem Fe says

    Does hi end retouching means plastic face? What if i can save natural skin. It tooks MUCH more time but face looks natural. What kind of retouching do i do?

  9. Anthony Gomes says

    are you from Mumbai brother

  10. Sivam Construction says

    Sir, I never miss your video tutorial, and it is helpful me like beginner. But Sir whenever I edit my picture and post it to facebook main problem is color tone changes. Viewing in different mobile it looks different. But some other photographer posting their picture it is accurate and same as he had done edit. Viewing in different mobile but the result is same. What is the cause I am facing this problem. Please make a tutorial on it.

  11. Sai Krishna Konda says

    Do some cleanups on jewelry

  12. Nur Darwisyaa says

    Hye Alif Satar

  13. Morgan Medina says

    Why does mine keep dulling out the skin.. almost like making it more grey….

  14. Nickolas Berdzenishvili says

    Very handy, thank you!

  15. Philip Mwangi says

    Hey, could you please create a tutorial on how to edit a very overexposed photo

  16. Kevin Parker says

    I loved it, but is there a reason you used the regular brush in this one instead of the mixing brush? More control? Does it requires a little more artistic ability than the mixer? Personal choice? THANKS AND KEEP IT UP!

  17. Aamir Khan says

    Superb bro

  18. Mike Sung says

    I believe that you might have ignored the D&B in the texture part on that layer… pity..

  19. Vikram Singh says

    Plz make tutorial in hindi

  20. Techie Venkateshh says

    hi may i know whats laptop specs, because me planning to buy a laptop for designing purpose but on budget only

  21. Paolo Halasan says

    Thank you so much. Do you recommend this using jpeg photos?

  22. Lena Kaniuka says

    Wow! Great job! Thanks for tutorial!)

  23. Galyna online says

    Create beautiful in-demand products, journal/planner covers, logos, branding, blog graphics, and more @t Made from real watercolor brush strokes and shapes, these brushes are formatted for use in Photoshop CS and earlier versions and also made for use in Illustrator. Each set comes with PNG files or you can purchase the PNG files separately if you only wish to use them in PowerPoint. Read below to find out how!

  24. B.k Basit Khan says

    he is in sex mood

  25. SharpEye Productions says

    I cant remember the last time I watch most/all of a 30 min video on youtube..

  26. Mr Floppy says

    Nowadays however the trend goes towards making the photo looking more natural. So you basically save a lot of time painting.

  27. HeadroomMax says

    It seems she lost part of the skin texture in 17:22 or is it just th video compression? Thanks!

  28. Japa says

    What's with the photo used in this example? Where is her neck and why does the angle looks so strange, did someone cut-out a head of one person and than pasted it over another?

  29. prelude pathetique says

    What type of Dell computer are you using? Im going to get into graphic design, what computer do u suggest me?

  30. Mohito says

    why such a distracting background?

  31. Mohito says

    your voice hurts my ears!!!!1

  32. Sudeep Kapoor says

    You are an excellent narrator..
    I have learnt so much from you..
    Very good videos..
    Keep sharing more..


    Thank you Unmesh so very much I am so glad I found your channel on youtube I am on the sky number 9 now mate that's how happy I am I am going to pay you a visit for you being so smart and handy whenever you are I love India I travelled the very depths of your country so I'll find you anyway – so you'd better send me an actual address and get ready))

  34. U s R says


  35. Muhammad Afzaal says

    Extremely time wasting video

  36. Laj says


  37. Hardik Hasija says

    What if we want to create skin texture alongside this technique ?

  38. Akhter Rasool says

    wonderful lesson

  39. mabel figueroa says

    can anyone help me……. I am trying to do this but when I sample a color with my brush only the background color changes in the little two square boxes. I am not sure what the settings should be when sampling colors.

  40. Ting Pang Chong says

    What is the shortcut key for switching color sample to pain brush?

  41. Amanda Gooch says

    This is amazing, thank you SO much!! I've been searching everywhere for a tutorial on frequency separation that actually makes sense and this is perfect. Your tutorials are always so helpful!!

  42. SuperSF100 says

    For the few comments that say "she looks like plastic". I think this video is primarily a tutorial on how to use certain tools to a achieve certain effects. The levels in which he uses those tools are his preference. I like everything about the video, knowing that when I do apply the things learned from it I will most certainly modify (by using less or more of…) them to my liking. Bottom line is I look at all of these tutorial videos objectively. This can be applied to learning anything new.

  43. tariq alsahsah says

    i love this guy

  44. Hunko Solomiya says

    Came here to learn subscribed for the amazing voice and detailed info. Thank you!

  45. Ricardo Fuente says

    espero ansiosa tutoriales traducidos al español!

  46. Bindu jol says

    how to save high quality image???? please help me

  47. Biswajit BANERJEE says

    Please make video on CMYK tips

  48. Lawz says

    Amazing tutorial bro. But I have to say that your eyes brown are really strange haha

  49. Meriem Ali says

    it worked !!!!!! ur amazing >

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