Don’t mess with my people. Go to to get started on your Wix website!
ALSO, see how I make all my builds:

Captain Disillusions’s video:
Peter’s build video:

Camera man credit: Luke Hale

0:02 New Shoes- Blue Wednesday –
1:25 Tomorrow- Andrew Applepie-
2:11 Arrow- Andrew Applepie –
4:05 Berlin- Andrew Applepie –
10:29 Blue Wednesday –
11:26 Too Happy to be cool by Notebreak-

Summary: I saw this video on Twitter and YouTube recently of a guy who modified his phone case with propellers. Having a background in engineering it was pretty clear to me that it wasn’t real but it seemed like most people believed it. This was especially irksome give that he was selling the items in the desc using affiliate links. So I did a deep dive on every last possible clue proving it was fake.

They are soft-



I make videos like this once a month all year long while supplies last:





  1. Mark Rober says

    If you mess with my people, prepare yourself for a science beatdown. NOTE: A lot of people are commenting that sound doesn't scale like I mentioned in the video. With respect, those people are wrong. How loud something seems to you ear is measured in sones not decibels. Sones are linear. So twice as many of the same loud thing will make it seem twice as loud to your ear. It's true decibels are logarithmic but that isn't a measure of how loud something sounds to you. This is a common misconception and I consulted at PhD in sound stuff just to confirm πŸ™‚

  2. Star stable player says

    3:45 …I feel bad for it

  3. Big D Diego says


  4. Akmal Komradz says

    Amazing maker : look i Made a phone drone
    MarkR : we gonna destroy this whole man carrer

  5. Roger Pack says

    quadrocopter has no moving parts?

  6. harley futalan says

    Bobs and vagene magic made that phone fly

  7. Nestor Jaba-an says

    Oh hi Mark.

  8. Kieran Czyzniejewski says

    13 more motors would be 6x louder? Sounds like it would be less than 3 times

  9. Sydney's Martinez says

    Oh hi Mark!!

  10. Isaac Smith says

    3:45 wtf that thing is scary af. it looks like real human legs

  11. C4k3 T0otz says

    Man that was gangster i love your content. First video i seen was your glitter bomb and your videos are informative i love them all so far, keep it up.

  12. Derik Renaud says


  13. tucci3tears says

    Watching his videos really makes me sad I decided to work at the railroad instead of going to college lol

  14. Glenn Shepherd says

    you have literally whooped his butt at that one from a drone that is not real to a drone where you actually put the time and effort to make something and proved him wrong.

  15. KaiiGamingYt says


  16. RICHNOW11 20B says


  17. VΓ­Γ­ says

    Very cool you made it. Thumbs down for the scammer

  18. vara fouroneone says

    Dude your channel rocks. Congratulations on all of your well-earned success. Subbed.

  19. Jaxon Sayers says

    New subscriber. Keep up the amazing videos

  20. Sasino _ says

    1:14 omg I know that guy! That's the guy who builds planes

  21. Draven Banda says

    Oh hi Mark 5:49πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  22. Harith Haikal says

    5:49 it's triggered my meme deja vu

  23. WaitWhatNoWay YT says

    you know, you are very smart and a lot of people don’t realize it lol

  24. Jason Gaming says

    The Tomorrow- Andrew Applepie link doesn't work. Do you guys know the actual title of the song?

  25. EmptySora_ says

    Honestly, I love both Mark and CD… haha, I’m impressed Mark actually let CD edit a portion of this video, in his style, no less…
    Not that there’s a problem with that, I’m just saying, impressive CD put in the effort despite the ridiculous effort he already puts in to his regular videos… the man’s a damn one-man-army.

  26. TheHerda 1 says

    Yeet the yeeter

  27. sidmiester theman says

    And how do we know you didn't edit this

  28. the real banana man says

    Can you mass produce this and sell it on amazon?

  29. Mathis Laplante says


  30. David 8J says

    Tbh if an aspiring engineer thought this was real they will probably not make it in that field.

  31. Mehul Verma says

    Guys like Amazing maker spoil our country's name..

  32. naleng dagaang says

    i hate physics but im enjoying these videos

  33. Saikek says

    Amazing maker : is this personal attack or something?

  34. Lucian says

    Oh hi Mark

  35. Comedy Clip says

    you must visit teach burner youtube channel …he actually did it

  36. Marcus Aranda says


  37. Stomi Ball says

    Okay but we can improve it

  38. Game master Network says

    I saw he press a button to take a picture

  39. Guys let’s boycott him

    Step 1. Make him think that he has a lot of views

    Step 2. β€œLike” the video

    Step 3. Make him bring the links back

    Step 4. Watch him make no money and be suuuuuuper angry

    Step 5. Expose him in the comments

    A full plan
    Reply if I missed anything or if you have addition to the boycott

  40. Perfectly Maddie says

    I love his channel

  41. The Purple Hawk says

    More TAPE!!!

  42. Antonella Nieves says

    This guy knows so many people it is crazy. If he wanted to get a soda from Texas I am sure he can call up his buddy that makes the soda and his other buddy that drives a truck so he can get his soda.

  43. Fumi Adewale says

    Mark loves to do stuff he hates πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  44. Stuttering Skye says

    I think this guy is my new favorite youtuber. He opened my mind and love for engineering. Love his content. Great work mark!

  45. No One says

    Am i the only one that feels bad for the robot that been pushed ;-;

    (poor robot ;-;)

    And i love your vid btw πŸ™‚

  46. Tony Qiu says

    "Oh hi Mark."

  47. Jamal M says

    What flight controller are you using for working model ?

  48. cjannaeusrobin YT says

    Can you do Unlimited Free Wifi Invention

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