Blue October – Hate Me (Really good Photo Art)

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This is a really good photoArt with really emotive pictures and images wich are related with the song, I really ejoyed doing this video, it’s a great Song, really emotive…

Es un video que hize en Windows Movie Maker de la cancion Hate me de Blue october, muy emotivo, me gusto mucho como coinciden las fotos con la lyric… veanlo =D

  1. Alex Prince says


  2. NVthelife says

    dude you don't know me, to tell me if i can of can't relate to this song.

  3. scumgod13 says

    No you can't.

  4. NVthelife says

    i LOVE this song! every time i hear this song my heart aches because i can totally relate to what he is sayin

  5. Gabriel Davis says

    this is hella dumb,. half the pix have nothin to do with it

  6. 蔡韋緗 says

    @AgedAppropriate thank you um what is "wtf your a dick" means

  7. Suzanna Meyer says

    @ahenry4321 lol XD

  8. 蔡韋緗 says

    anyone can teach me how to use "wtf"

    sorry my English is poor ~

  9. NeuroticToTheCore says

    3:14 is from the music video for Wake Me Up When September Ends…

  10. Tomáš Škoda says

    lol "really good photo art" total bullsh…

    song is ok

  11. mrgrenade991 says

    at 3:05 it has a cannon penis!

  12. Jason Gatten says

    i hear this song in my head every day i am at work. the cockroach dropping reels is what keeps it stuck in my head cause i pass by my x girlfriends neighbor hood every morning on my route then again on my way back to the shop!! so i think of the past too much. it kindda sucks cause we both have sense moved on with other people. i hope that a new job and move en an hour away will cut these trips down memory lane will be cut short……

  13. Sara C says

    love this song.. makes me think that someone can actually love someone dearly and want the best for them <3

  14. Kris T says

    @Oniterian oh boo hoo

  15. Kris T says

    right on

  16. Dustin_Gabert says

    @Oniterian no, i dont think so, its justa drawing of two naked people, the man holding the women from behind.besides, he's not close enough to complete the penetration process

  17. J says

    @mellana59x Well I just watched it again. Justin says: "My parents are here and the cool thing is that my mom plays the mom in the video." Maybe She's dead now, but she wasnt back then. And yes the song is about his mom.DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!! Watch the behind the scenes.

  18. wakingup2010 says

    @mellana59x his mom is in the real video!!!

  19. AlieAyanna says

    @jess76310 his mom is dead. she died from brain cancer. its a true story song! look up his bio. its a guilt written song

  20. AlieAyanna says

    she died stupid.

  21. Trippinpatchouli says

    I liked 3:05 some of the art is weird though

  22. J says

    @warhead57106 No, his mom is still alive, she was in the music video. Watch the behind the scenes of the music video.

  23. GreenGooz says

    this song is actually about a man that loves his mother and doesnt want her to have to deal with his life so he just wishes she would hate him enough to stay away

  24. Mara achternaam says

    @pandasrock1101 rofl, was that why you clicked the link in the first place too, to figure out if you really saw what you saw? XD

  25. SKAJULIO says

    Bad photo art

  26. jassofallout says

    Awesome song, and you need to calm down vvvvv guy down there.

  27. spawn22222 says

    @mateeah Okay, thank you.

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