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36 Powerful Photographs Of Beautiful Humans In Ugly Circumstances.

Extreme violence, war, poverty, struggle, and uncertainty: Human beings across the globe are experiencing hardship at any given time, and it’s at these times that human compassion matters the most.

Below are 36 photos that prove that human beings are capable empathy, selflessness, and love – even when faced with the most difficult situations imaginable.

#1. In the Russian town of Beslan, armed men and women seized a local school. Here, a Russian police officer carries a baby from the school to safety.

#2. American soldiers dance with Dutch children during World War II.

#3. During the Korean War, Pt. Dick L. Powell shares a meal with a puppy.

#4. A medic bandages an injured child’s foot during World War II.

#5. An East German soldier helps a boy pass the newly formed Berlin Wall, despite the fact that he was given specific orders not to.

#6. Christians protecting Muslims during worship in Cairo, Egypt.

#7. Riot police and protesters sharing the same emotion in Sofia, Bulgaria.

#8. A captured Ukranian woman is given water by a Soviet soldier in 1941.

#9. A firefighter giving a koala water after a serious bushfire in Victoria, Australia.

#10. Raymond Walker, a journalist, carries a child to safety during the Spanish Civil War.

#11. A Bosnian soldier caring for a baby saved during civil unrest.

#12. Ferguson community members protecting a store against looters.

#13. A wounded Russian civilian being treated by a German soldier during World War II.

#14. A hysterical child being carried away from an explosion by an Afghan soldier.

#15. A soldier being comforted by his friend in the trenches of the Korean War.

#16. A German soldier sharing his rations with a Russian family during World War II.

#17. Soldier Joseph Dwyer caries an injured boy to safety during the Iraq War.

#18. American soldiers assist in pushing a trapped car to safety during World War II. There were two gravely wounded German soldiers inside.

#19. Soldier Ryan Lee and Valdo the dog comfort each other on a hospital floor during the war in Afghanistan.

#20. During the Korean War, this kitten’s mother was killed by mortar fire. Here, Marine Sergeant Frank Praytor feeds the kitten in its mothers absence.

#21. This child was separated from her family during a firefight in the Iraq War. Here, U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman Richard Barnett comforts the upset child.

#23. Ukrainian soldier kissing his girlfriend while surrounded by pro-Russian militants.

#24. A group of Brazilian protesters greet a police officer on his birthday.

#25. Keshia Thomas protecting a white supremacist from an angry mob.

#26. A Syrian baby being warmed and comforted by a Jordanian soldier.

#27. A wounded Venezuelan soldier being comforted by a priest as shots are fired around them.

#28. After the army refused to fire on Tunisian protesters, this little girl gave them a sign of her appreciation.

#29. A soccer match between German and British solders during World War I.

#30. A boy leading a blind man through the devastated streets of Korea, after the Korean War.

#31. An American soldier holding hands with an Afghan girl.

#32. American troops in World War II take the time to treat a wounded dog.

#33. A puppy and soldier making friends during the Iraq War.

#34. An Afghan man offers tea to stationed American soldiers.

#35. A Papua New Guinea native helps a wounded Australian soldier out of the bush during World War II.

#36. Homeless Indian men receiving free food outside of a mosque in New Dehli.

  1. d r says

    Yes, war can bring out some of the best as well as the worst of people, but it's a damn shame that we have war in the first place.

  2. William Mondy says

    Tears Flowing… Humanity and Brotherhood Conquers All Borders !!!

  3. Isabella Kerr says

    The photos are heartbreaking regardless that most of them are propaganda photos.

  4. giridhar palse says

    No matter any one is Hindu Muslim Christian or Jews but all we are humans

  5. Star FB says

    Clarification on number #36. Those are not homeless people, just poor people. And it is not a mosque, No delhi mosques offer such food. It is a gurudwara ( place of worship of the Sikhs) in delhi and they have community kitchen called “langars” which serve free food to poor people.

  6. gamini subasena says

    Lets pray not to happen again!!!!!

  7. Obed Kanglom says

    #23.broke my heart 😭

  8. funke mule says

    We all know what is right and wrong but it's choice we choose makes us who we are.

  9. Wheelchairer BysonSan says

    The 5th gave me chill, sure he was risking his carrier and his life just for the little boy.

  10. Scripzing says

    Some of the captions are wrong but the pictures still have meaning.

  11. Homer Holler says

    Christians protecting Muslim, not many Christisn left, the Muslims killed them to show their gratitude.

  12. Mike D says

    I wish more people could see these so we can stop the atrocities of attempted corporate regime change mostly led by western governments

  13. John Douglas says

    War brings out the very best and the very worst in human beings.

  14. Samar Khoury says

    4:12 is everything ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  15. McDonald's Big Mac says


  16. Alexandra Ashborn says

    Right, and Lev Brronstein, name switcher Trotsky told Ukranian parents, "Do not tell me you are hungry until you are cannibalizing your children." FILTH

  17. Juliana Celestine Dinglasan says

    My grandpa was a soldier from World War 2

  18. SweatyShivers says

    #6 Who were the Christians defending Muslims from in Cairo?

  19. Ma. de Lourdes Alvarado says


  20. Just AkashaDIY2 says

    1:17 that's Molly-pitcher she surverd water to men when they were thirsty in a war I am studying it at school but I don't remember what the war whas called

  21. Rachie sherlock says

    I'd always help a child. Wouldn't you. They come first they are our tomorrow. No matter their race. I liked the Christians protecting the Muslims. Its ridiculous to think people can't get along because of faith. Proof here, you can. I cried through this, I can't stand to see pain and sorrow for the sake of foolish leaders. Who couldn't lead me to take a shit let alone a war!

  22. neo matrix says

    A white supremacist protected by black woman .my goodness she is a Angel and brave too….

  23. faisalhaider007 says

    These WWII images won't change the fact that Soviet, British, US, France and red Cross army raped 2 millions women in Germany !!
    Disgrace act.

    Hunger of US to get oil from every country brings war to those Innocents who don't know what they did wrong 🙁

  24. watching the stars says

    Humanity…it is called humanity……sadly lost by so many 😢

  25. Phil Man says

    I wish all these politicians who start wars because they were insulted in a slight way would get executed but obviously since they are at the top they dont

  26. Corbin Doucette says

    The child gave a rose to a solder for refusing to fire. What a heartwarming sign that showed sometimes we have to do the right thing no matter the order.

  27. Brainfuel says

    Thank you for the large font. Your pics are very powerful.

  28. Oh yeah Yeah says

    #9 😢

  29. The Don Of BGF Mako Flatty says

    In the sixth picture it's showing Christians protecting Muslims..
    I'm Curious if the shoe was on the other foot would the sixth photo show Muslims protecting Christians?

  30. Jiffy Jim says

    My belief is that though we live in this crazy, desperate world,their is still a degree of humanity that can sustain us..Once that fades,we are lost….I believe Goodness and kindness is more powerful than the evils of war and hatred ….But we have to exert it more…It's out there somewhere…The worst thing for Mankind is to be afraid to be good or rather ,trying to be optimistic in a pessimistic world…PL,. Your photo collection has captured alot within a nanosecond of time..Alot can be learned or realized just through one picture… Outstanding displays… Continue your fine work,PL..💙💚💛🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  31. Diego Piedmont says

    0:13 is that legal

  32. tim tynan says

    its a shame you only got about 50% correct with you comments

  33. d c says

    Awesome video..may the good over come the bad ..god blessings 2 all ..

  34. Kelly T says

    Take some world war two lesson.You images were lies.

  35. Blathering Bear says

    Such sad music. What is it?

  36. PRANAV PREMAN says

    You know,this channel is SO PREVIOUS

  37. william nicholas says

    Another series of beautiful pictures, thanks!

  38. Jiji Biji says

    I am Bulgarian. In 1989 a state coup took place in Bulgaria. People's democracy was replaced by mafia power. The picture is the protest of mothers with children with disabilities. See where they brought us 1:00.

  39. Loki pardhan Loki pardhan says

    HEROES of humanity caught of camera

  40. Loki pardhan Loki pardhan says

    HEROS of humanity catch on camera

  41. Supes Me says

    Wars are thrust upon common people. They don't ask for them, their rulers do. They can still be Human

  42. Suzanne Jenkins says

    love this…human decency prevails…during the worst moments in our history…we really aren’t so different from each other…

  43. Tim Minh says

    There are evil soldiers in every good armies, and there are good soldiers in every evil armies – Tim Minh.

  44. Mira Tay says

    I hate politicians they're working together to destroy the world and humanity

  45. Paulo Travenzolli says


  46. calendarpage says

    I was in Ann Arbor when that KKK rally was held. I just looked up some info on the woman in the picture and 1. I can't believe it's been > 20 years and 2. it is terrible to read that she got death threats for her actions.

  47. Angelina Pingitore says

    All these pictures make me not want to be a human…Needless suffering. We live on a Jewel planet in our galaxy, why can't human's enjoy the abundance that was gifted to them and enjoy their short life while on this planet?

  48. Tigris Asiri says

    Beautiful selection of pictures, I think I had something in my eyes while I was watching them.

  49. Kekistan Shitlord says

    1:15 Lmao the water is obviously given by the woman but of course she doesn‘t like helping soviet scum

  50. MaximusBasilius says

    1# this guy is not a police officer
    On he’s vest it says spetznaz, it’s the Russian elite force

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