Old Schools Historical Photos That Will Change How You Feel About The Past


Old Schools Historical Photos || Old is Gold || Must Watch Incredible Historical Photos From Past. Please Comment Below Which One Is favorite old School Photos…

My Favorite is The Italian Marilyn Monroe, Stephen Hawking & Sophia Loren

Thanks For Watching

  1. Joep Kortekaas says

    0:48 Rugged boots? 4:36 The Italian Marilyn Monroe? There is no comparison, the classic beauty of Sophia wins by miles!

  2. Beth Di Bartolomeo says

    RIP Stephen Hawking

  3. Eye Ore says

    Nope, nothing changed here.. still feel that Leftists are revisioning history and destroying monuments of their slave owning heroes.

  4. Morgana Madrid says

    I hope that little Brat who pulled that poor baby elephant's drunk got a smack. Disgusting!

  5. Jdwarfer C says

    I never saw any picture of "Vangelis" before. Actually I thought it was a band but it's just one guy lol.
    So I am from the past, I remember the commercials with Cindy Crawford. I feel older now, thanks… xD

  6. Alexia Chatziparadisi says


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